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starwars:charadv:index [2011/08/01 12:34] markstarwars:charadv:index [2012/03/04 02:36] (current) – [Experience Points] mark
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 +===== Character Advancement =====
 +//All numeric values on this page are subject to change prior to campaign launch.//
 +==== Experience Points ====
 +=== Earning ===
 +  * +1 XP for an in character quote
 +  * +2 XP for showing to a session
 +  * +3 XP for adding to your character's personal chronicles in this wiki per session
 +=== Spending ===
 +  * (2*Current) XP for +1 to a [[starwars:mechanics#skills|Skill]], [ 0 to 1: **1**, 1 to 2: **2**, 2 to 3: **4**, 3 to 4: **6**, 4 to 5: **8**]
 +  * (4*Current) XP for +1 to an [[starwars:mechanics#attributes|Attribute]] or [[starwars:mechanics#wealth|Wealth]] [ 0 to 1: **2**, 1 to 2: **4**, 2 to 3: **8**, 3 to 4: **12**, 4 to 5: **16** ]
 +  * (8*Current) XP for +1 to an [[starwars:mechanics#enhanced_attributes|Enhanced Attribute]]; Enhanced Attributes cannot exceed the rating of the associated normal [[starwars:mechanics#attributes|Attribute]] [ 0 to 1: **4**, 1 to 2: **8**, 2 to 3: **16**, 3 to 4: **24**, 4 to 5: **32** ]
 +  * 10 XP for an additional [[starwars:force:index#powers|Force Power]]
 +  * 10 XP for a new [[starwars:traits:index|Trait]]
 +  * 10 XP to become Force Sensitive (individual [[starwars:force:index#powers|Force Powers]] must be purchased separately)
 +==== Legend Rating ====
 +An additional [[starwars:mechanics#legend|Legend]] rating increase may be awarded by the Gamemaster upon successful completion of a story arc.  It is not purchased through XP.