====== Character Sheet STARTING VERSION ====== [ [[apotheosis:protagonists:tara:character_sheet|Back]] ] [ [[apotheosis:protagonists:tara:followers:starting_followers|Followers]] ] ===== Fundamentals ===== * __**Calling:**__ Singer, Actress * __**Nature:**__ [[scion:rules:natures#Trickster]] (Successfully deceive another person or group at great risk to self) * __**Pantheon:**__ [[scion:pantheons:Atzlanti]] (Aztec) * __**God:**__ [[scion:pantheons:Atzlanti#Tezcatlipoca]] ===== Mundane ===== ^Physical^^^^^Social^^^^^Mental^^^^^ | | Strength | **2** | ^ |x| Charisma | **5** | 2 ^ | | Perception | **2** | ^ | |x| Dexterity | **3** | 2 ^ |x| Manipulation | **5** | 2 ^ | | Intelligence | **3** | 2 ^ | | | Stamina | **2** | 1 ^ |x| Appearance | **2** | ^ |x| Wits | **4** | 1 ^ | ^ Abilities (Skills) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | Academics | ^ | | Craft | ^ | | Melee | **3** ^ | | | Animal Ken | ^ | | Empathy | **2** ^ |x| Occult | ^ | | | Art (Singing) | **3** ^ |x| Fortitude | **1** ^ | | Politics | **2** ^ | | | Art (Acting) | **2** ^ | | Integrity | **3** ^ |x| Presence | **5** ^ | |x| Athletics | **3** ^ | | Investigation | **3** ^ | | Science | ^ | | | Awareness | **1** ^ | | Larceny | ^ |x| Stealth | ^ | |x| Brawl | ^ | | Marksmanship | **1** ^ | | Survival | ^ | | | Command | **3** ^ | | Medicine | ^ | | Thrown | ^ | | | Control | ^ | | | ^ | | | ^ | ^ Virtue ^ Rank ^ Used ^ Description ^ | Conviction | 3 | [ ][ ][ ] | Winning converts, resisting persuasion that goes against beliefs, determining best course of action, committing heinous acts for beliefs | | Courage | 1 | [ ] | Face powerful foes, resist supernatural fear and compulsion, take death defying risks | | Duty | 1 | [ ] | Help those in need, build or repair on behalf of a community, uphold laws, serve authority in crisis | | Loyalty | 4 | [ ][ ][ ][ ] | Aid friends | ^ ^ Dots ^ Used^ ^ Willpower ^ 7 | [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] | ^ Health Levels ^ 0 ^ -1 ^ -1 ^ -2 ^ -2 ^ 4 ^ I ^ ^ | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | ===== Supernatural ===== ^ ^ Rank ^ Pool ^ Used ^ ^ Legend ^ 3 | 9 | [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] | ==== Knacks ==== ^ [[http://scion-mmp.wikidot.com/dex-knacks|DEXTERITY]] ^^^^ ^ Knack ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Untouchable Opponent | 1L | H |Epic DEX bonus applies to Dodge DV as x2 for a scene. MUST ACTIVELY BE DODGING (no hiding). | | Roll With It | 1L | G | During soak step, add Epic DEX ranks to soak for any damage type you have at least 1 soak for already | ^ [[http://scion-mmp.wikidot.com/sta-knacks|STAMINA]] ^^^^ ^ Knack ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Damage Conversion | 1L | H | Spend 1 Legend and convert an incoming Lethal attack's damage to Bashing (prior to applying soak) | ^ [[http://scion-mmp.wikidot.com/cha-knacks|CHARISMA]] ^^^^ ^ Knack ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Blessing of Importance | 1L | H |Completely Refills a mortal's willpower, or (Epic CHA) willpower for a Scion. Can be used on each person only once/scene. | | Charmer | 1L | H | Spend a few minutes interacting with a hostile person, and gain their help for a scene | ^ [[http://scion-mmp.wikidot.com/man-knacks|MANIPULATION]] ^^^^ ^ Knack ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | God's Honest | 1L | H | Lie believably | | Takes One to Know One | N/A | H | Know when someone is lying | ^ [[http://scion-mmp.wikidot.com/int-knacks|INTELLIGENCE]] ^^^^ ^ Knack ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Language Mastery | N/A | DG | Know a language after hearing it spoken for a few minutes | | Instant Translation | N/A | G | Language Mastery now can be translated on the fly. Also, can now read any written language, even if characters are completely alien | ^ [[http://scion-mmp.wikidot.com/wit-knacks|WITS]] ^^^^ ^ Knack ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Monkey in the Middle | N/A | DG | DVs never reduce from onslaught nor coordinated attacks aimed against the scion | ===== Equipment ===== ^ Followers ^ Rank/Count ^ Description ^ | [[apotheosis:protagonists:tara:followers:starting_followers|Elite Jaguar Guard]] | 3/5 | Upper Aztec warrior class -- uses the Amazon template | ^ Relics ^ Rank ^ Description ^ | Obsidian Knife | 2 | (1) (==Dragon's Teeth) Cut self with "Nacatl Iyahua" for 1 Lethal Health Level, from five droplets of blood spring forth the [[apotheosis:protagonists:tara:followers|Elite Jaguar Guard]] for a scene. If killed during battle, they regenerate after a day. (2) Adds Legend to all (CHA + Command) rolls | | Tepoztopilli (Spear) | 2 | (1) Resizable, (2) Adds Legend to all (DEX + Melee) rolls | ^ Weapon ^ Name ^ Spd ^ Acc ^ Dmg ^ Def ^ Rng ^ Mag ^ Flags ^ Notes ^ ^ Tepoztopilli (Spear) | "Heaven's Fang" | 5 | 0 | 4L | 2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | ^ Obsidian Knife | "Nacatl Iyahua" | 4 | 1 | 2L | 0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | ^ Glock 21sf (Handgun) | "Belleza Negra" | 5 | 2 | 4L | 0 | 20 | 13 | P | +1 acc from laser sight. based on colt .45 stats in the companion. | ^ Armor ^ Soak ^ Mobility ^ Flags ^ ^ Ichcahuipilli (Cotton) | +0L/3B | 0 | | ^ Vehicle ^ Armor ^ Mass ^ Man ^ Health Levels ^ Color ^ Seats ^ Description ^ ^ [[http://canal.acheris.net/~ryoko/junk/lexus_is350c.jpg|Lexus IS 350 C]] | 6 | 2 | 1 | 18 | Red | 2 | 6-spd w/Targa-style removable hard-top | ^ Misc Equipment ^ Description ^ | [[http://www.apple.com/iphone/|iPhone 4]] | Elitest smartphone | | [[http://www.zappos.com/puma-big-cat-backpack-set-2010-black-steel-grey|Puma Big Cat]] | Small Black/Steel-grey Backpack containing misc stuff: pens, pencils, small notepad, water bottle, snacks, nail file, lotion, comb, scissors, nail clippers, wallet, tape measure, condoms, extra batteries, ear plugs... plus all other stuff in this equipment section that would reasonably fit. Knife would go in bag, but gun would go in holster | | [[http://www.envirosafetyproducts.com/pelican-2610-led-flashlight.html|LED Headlight]] | Head-mounted flashlight, runs on 3 AAA batteries | | CCW Permit | Georgia-issued concealed carry weapon permit | | Leg Holster | Leg holster for "Nacatl Iyahua" (would only be used when the backpack can't be carried while wearing clothing incapable of hiding it in a pocket) | | Pepper Spray | 1 can of pepper spray | ^ Glock Accessories ^ Description ^ | Shoulder Holster | Leather shoulder holster for glock (would only be used in conjunction with clothing capable of hiding it). Cannot have gunlight mounted while holstered. | | Magazines x 4 | Reloads for Glock. One of the four will be in the gun and the other three in reserve. Uses [[wp>.45_ACP|.45 ACP]] ammo. | | Gun Light | Detachable under-barrel light for Glock. Time must be specifically spent attaching the light after drawing weapon from holster (Misc Action, speed 5). If weapon is in pocket/bag/etc, only then can it be assumed to be pre-attached. | | Laser Sight | Internally-mounted laser sight. Adds +1 acc, but draws attention to the wielder who can't effectively hide. | ===== Derived Values ===== ^ Combat ^^^^^ ^ Name ^ Value/Pool ^ Speed ^ Def ^ Calculation ^ | Dodge DV ^ **7** | N/A | | (DEX 3 + Athletics 3 + Legend 3)/2 + 2 Epic DEX | | Parry DV ^ **6** | N/A | | (DEX 3 + Melee 3 + Spear 2)/2 + 2 Epic DEX | | Soak (natural) ^ 1A/2L/3B | N/A | | (Aggie = 0 + Epic STA), (Lethal = (STA/2) + Epic STA), (Bashing = (STA) + Epic STA) | | Soak (cotton armor) ^ 1A/2L/6B | N/A | | (Aggie = 0 + Epic STA), (Lethal = (STA/2) + Epic STA), (Bashing = (STA) + Epic STA) | | Soak (Roll With It) ^ +2A/+2L/+2B | N/A | | Epic DEX / Roll With It Knack, spend 1 Leg to add (Epic DEX) to soak for one attack | | Join Battle ^ **5 + 1** | N/A | | (WITS 4 + Awareness 1) + 1 Epic WITS | | Attack (Spear) ^ **9 + 2** | 5 | -1 | (DEX 3 + Melee 3 + Accuracy 0 + Legend 3) + 2 Epic DEX | | Damage (Spear) ^ **6 + extra** | N/A | | (STR 2 + Weapon 4L + extra ?) | | Attack (Glock) ^ **6 + 2** | 5 | -1 | (DEX 3 + Marksmanship 1 + Accuracy 2) + 2 Epic DEX | | Damage (Glock) ^ **4 + extra** | N/A | | (Weapon 4L + extra ?) | | Command ^ **11 + 2** | 5 | -2 | (CHA 5 + Command 3 + Legend 3) + 2 Epic CHA | | Catboy Summon ^ N/A | 5 | -1 | Catboys appear and are ready for battle after 5 ticks | | Spear Summon ^ N/A | 5 | -1 | Spear shifts to its full size to be used for battle | ^ Movement ^^^ ^ Name ^ Value/Pool ^ Calculation ^ | Move ^ **5yds** | (DEX 3 yrds) + (2 Epic DEX)*1 | | Dash ^ **13yds** | (DEX 3 + 6 yrds) + (2 Epic DEX)*2 | | Jump (Vertical) ^ **5yds** | (STR 2 + Athletics 3) yds | | Jump (Horizontal) ^ **10yds** | (STR 2 + Athletics 3)*2 yds | | Climb Speed ^ **2** | (DEX 3)/2 | | Swim Speed ^ **2** | (DEX 3)/2 | ^ Social Combat ^^^ ^ Name ^ Value ^ Calculation ^ | Effective APPEARANCE ^ **2** | (APP 2) + 0 Epic APP | | Mental DV ^ **7** | (Willpower 7 + Integrity 3 + Legend 3)/2 | | Join Battle ^ **6 + 1** | (WITS 4 + Empathy 2) + 1 Epic WITS | | Attack (Persuade) ^ **10 + 2** | (MANIP 5 + Presence 5) + 2 Epic MANIP | ===== Experience ===== **Character Creation:** * Bonus Points: Legend 3 (7 pts) * Bonus Points: Attributes/MANIP 5 (4 pts) * Bonus Points: Abilities/Presence 4+5 (2 pts) * Bonus Points: Relic 1+2 (Tepoztopilli (Spear)) (2 pts)