Human guy quit group to open up bar. So, we added sneaky elf to our company. We decide to tackle two proclamations with one stone- check on wizard tower, and secure special well. Well supposedly magical, water always clean and never run dry. We thought from description of wizard tower mission, we just need to find way in. But they only mention until we ask that tower protected by defenses. Bad guys try to get into it for years, so there perimeter around place. But also 40/50 foot circle around tower that look like black glass they no enter because it look like area was blasted. We ask Ohlo about tower. He was evacuated from tower back in day. He say those defenses are hooked up to "dead man's switch", so only would've activated if Denlorn died. Everyone suspect all wizards inside dead. So, we check it out. We manage to sneak through evil encampment to get closer look. There is vault door with slot they looks like it may fit something like stone floating around devil girl. There writing on tower that say "when three are one by moon and sun the way will be revealed to thee". Since we not sure how to open, and we no want to be wrong and have to face tower and surrounding enemies, we leave for later. We check out well. It surrounded by buildings with enemies inside. We break in and clear out one building of goblins.