So me pretend to be Ugmo Face-Rippa, and the rest of the group were my gang called the skullcrunchers. We go gather info at local bar, asking about the lord of ruin and his goldeneyes troops and the mysterious green hand. To establish our dominance, me fight table full of hobgoblins. I knock them all out. Devil girl mock some other hobgoblins, and after we leave, they seem like they might want to start trouble. So nature boy use his power to cover our tracks so we could lose them. He then summon pixies to invisible scout parts of the city. They end up finding gnome girl, and a divination tell him we could find dwarf by finding the gnome. We go to where Pixie says she was, and it seems she member of mysterious green hand. She say that green hand is not one person, but many. She direct us to the basement of building, to "get an ale". So we investigate, and find secret door behind a cask...