====== Session 42: Into the Thieves Den ====== [ [[dd5:najila:reports:session41|Session 41]] ] [ [[dd5:najila:reports:index|Back]] ] [ [[dd5:najila:reports:session43|Session 43]] ] We returned to Phlan to make our turn-in at the temple of Tyr. For our efforts, we received a permanent 50% potion discount, plus access to purchase 2 magical items at 4000 gp each: staff of healing, ring of spell storing. Kethys took both items. Thilius received the holy symbol, which belonged to the founder of the order of Tyr in this region, as the new bearer of such a holy artifact to the followers of Tyr. After restocking tons of missing scrolls, and potions, we headed to the Council to pick up our next mission: House Koval, house of thieves. We threw out a few different hooks to try and catch the interest of the thieves, and get them to attack us, but alas, they turned up nothing. Thus, we were forced to head back across the river and snuck into the basically unguarded quadrant. Kethys and Caed scouted the outside of the seemingly deserted building, while the rest of us waited in a nearby building. We were visited by a creature, what Caed identified as a "quickling", who seemed to live in the yard of House Koval but wasn't really "with" the thieves. He gave us information about an alternate entrance into the house rather than kicking in the front door. We snuck into the yard, into the gazebo, and flipped the switch to reveal the trapdoor. Caed went first to check for traps. We followed him down but remained on the ladder. There was a room with an irregular, checker-ish pattern, where the ladder came down in the middle, with three potential exit doors in the wall. Caed made it clear not to touch anything, that he would spend a few minutes analyzing it to see if he could figure out a clear path or a way to disarm it. After several minutes he determined two of the three doors were fakes, and that there was in fact a clear path to the door that was an actual door, which he described to us all. But I informed him quickly that there was no way I could make that successfully, and not knowing what the trap did made it particularly deadly for a guaranteed failure by at least one of us. After way too much discussion, we finally put together a nearly full-proof way to cross the room without having to expend any actual resources. We tied one end of the rope to the ladder, and the other end to the Master Control Rod. Then, Caed's magic hand took the rod across, above the exit door, and pushed the button that turned it into an immovable rod. Then we basically just zip-lined across the room. Caed went first, then Kethys. Together they disabled the door traps and opened the door. The rest of us headed through, and down the hallway, Caed first so he could check for traps along the way. The hallway lead us to another room of rooms. It was vast, and there were 8 doors (including the one we'd come in), 7 of which were potential exits. The key here was to delay; there didn't seem to be traps. Caed took care of this in quick order with some magic, and we headed down the hall behind the door to come to another door. We opened it to find an ambush. Several assassins set into Logru quickly. He took a ton of damage but then quaffed a potion and shrugged the rest of the attacks off. We started clearing them out. After several rounds of fighting, the enemies that weren't down retreated suddenly. We let them go while we prepared to interrogate those they left behind. {{ dd5:najila:reports:20161122_074604.jpg?200 | Map at end of game}}