===== Planets ===== The system has 6 planets and numerous moons. ==== Actus ==== Actus is the closest planet to the core star in the system. It has 4 moons. It appears relatively small and is probably molten or solid rock. Who knows!? ==== Neslora ==== Neslora is a large gas giant with 19 moons. One of which is Erath. === Erath === Erath is the continental world that is home to the Republic of Vara. ==== Kurn ==== Kurn is the 3rd planet. Seen from Erath, it has a beautiful blue green color. It is smaller than Neslora, but larger than Actus. It has 7 moons. ==== Keophis ==== Keophis is the 4th planet and is rarely seen. It has 6 confirmed moons. ==== Sestriea ==== Sestriea appears as a dark gray disk against the night sky, but only when the sun and other planets properly align. Very little is known of it. There are 2 known moons that orbit Sestriea. ==== Rorus ==== Far from the sun, very little can be divined about Rorus. It appears as a handful of bright lights in the sky in a tight cluster. The number changes from time to time. It has no known moons.