===== Stuff To Buy ===== [ [[empress:protagonists:isha:character_sheet|Back]] ] ==== Charms ==== ^ [[|ATHLETICS]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Soaring Crane Leap | 4m | Core | Reflexive, instant. Free Jump on her turn (on an action), (distance x5). Does not stack with Monkey Leap. Too expensive for the benefit | ^ [[|MELEE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | 2nd Melee Excellency | 2m/1s | Core | Spend 2 motes per success on a single roll. Max: Attribute + Ability + Specialty in motes. | | 3rd Melee Excellency | 4m | Core | Spend 4 motes to re-roll a single roll. | | Fire and Stones Strike | 1m/1d | Core | Supplemental. Add 1m=1d dice to post-soak damage pool | | Dipping Swallow Defense | 2m | Core | Reflexive. Ignore all Parry DV penalties against a single attack Get the Resistance one instead | | Bulwark Stance | 5m | Core | Reflexive, until next action. Ignore all Parry DV penalties until next action, including ones invoked by his own attacks Get the Resistance one instead | | Heavenly Guardian Defense | 8m | Core | Reflexive. Perfectly Parry a single (expected) attack, even if it's unblockable. Virtue Flaw applies Get the Resistance one instead | ^ [[|RESISTANCE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Ox Body Technique | N/A | Core | Permanent. Increases health levels by one +1, two +2. | | Willpower Enhancing Spirit | 4m | Core | Reflexive. Roll damage levels taken. Regain (1 + successes) temporary willpower. MUST take the damage to use this. | | Strength of Stone Technique | 2m/person | DB | For every 2m, +1 STR / +1 STA per person for a scene incl self. | | Mountain Toppling Method | 4m | DB | One action. Increases STR +5 for a feat of str. Counts in melee attack only if weapon is jade alloy. Combo-OK | | Iron Skin Concentration | 2m | Core | Reflexive, 1 tick. For the tick, all incoming attacks have their minimum damage reduced by 1 for the duration of the charm REQUIRED FOR ADAMANT SKIN | | Adamant Skin Technique | 8m | Core | Reflexive, one attack. Perfect soak. (via errata -->) Perfect soaks even against charms that add damage post-soak etc. | ^ [[|SAIL]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Salty Dog Method | 3m | Core | One scene. Reduces penalties involving activities while shipboard, including combat stuff. | ^ [[|SOCIALIZE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Mastery of Small Manners | 1m | Core | Reflexive, until next action. | | Web Cutting Eyes | 5m | Core | Reflexive, one scene. All attempts to read motivations of others is made at a difficulty of 1. Requires Essence 5, Socialize 5 and is in an unapproved book. | ==== Martial Arts ==== ^ [[|AIR DRAGON STYLE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Air Dragon Sight | 3m | DB | Simple, one scene. No penalties for fighting blind while surrounded by air. Add (essence) to awareness rolls w/in (Essence x 10) yards | ^ [[|FIRE DRAGON STYLE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Flash-Fire Technique | 1m | DB | Supplemental. Join Battle + (MA ranks) | | Flame-Flicker Technique | varies | DB | Reflexive, until next action. Motes spent 1-for-1 increase both DVs by 1 (max=Essence) | ^ [[|WATER DRAGON STYLE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Flowing Water Defense | 1m | DB | Reflexive, (essence) actions. Exalt takes -1 to Attack pool, all enemies attacking him take -3 to all attack pools. (THIS MAY REQUIRE MARTIAL ARTS ATTACKS AND/OR FORM WEAPONS) This would encourage people not to attack me which is bad, so no. | ^ [[|MANTIS STYLE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Leaping Mantis Technique | 3m | SotM | Reflexive, instant. Add MA ranks to Join Battle and leap distance. At any time in the fight, add MA to move. NEEDS CLARIFICATION. Not compatible with armor. | ^ [[|SNAKE STYLE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Striking Cobra Technique | 3m | Core | Supplemental. Add MA ranks to Join Battle as auto successes. Not compatible with armor (via errata) | ^ [[|SCARLET PATTERNED BATTLEFIELD STYLE]] ^^^^ ^ Charm ^ Cost ^ Book ^ Description ^ | Impeccable Patterned Deployment | 4m | SotM | Simple, one scene. Practitioner dematerializes when moving and rematerializes when he stops moving. Not compatible with armor. | ==== Combos ==== * Note: //Call the Blade// is not considered a charm activation thus it can be used at any time w/o specifying it in a Combo. It is reflexive to Call the Blade. ^ Combo ^ Cost ^ Charms ^ | Excellent Melee Onslaught | 3m+ | Melee Excellency 1; Melee Excellency 2 | | Blade Fumbling Recovery | +4m | Melee Excellency 3; added to any other melee combo, step 4 or 6 |