====== Isha Backstory: Details ====== [ [[empress:protagonists:isha:reports:backstory|Back]] ] ===== Exaltation ===== {{ empress:protagonists:isha:reports:mnemon_mixia.jpg?200|Mnemon Mixia}} Isha always tried to keep a positive attitude, even despite Ragara Akiva's harassment at school. Escaping the situation by avoiding him at all times was a major tactic in preventing incidents and keeping her days as tolerable as could be. But it was not always possible. One day in the spring of her 15th year an incident occurred that turned her whole life upside down. Isha had stayed after school in the classroom to finish up all of next week's work early so that she could go on a short holiday with her family during the following week. It was evening; dark out, but not late. The classroom was empty except for her. Mixia had gone home an hour before, and the room was so quiet that even the silence almost seemed loud. She heard several sets of footsteps outside in the hallway, seemingly walking in unison. The sound grew louder and louder as they came down the hallway toward her classroom. Well, it wasn't an unusual sound; lecturers walked the halls at all hours depending on how busy they were. She peered out the window at the darkness and thought maybe it was time for her to be getting home anyway. She started gathering up her materials and work just as the footsteps came to a stop outside of her classroom. She didn't want to be bothersome to the lecturers by remaining here too late. The door slid open just as she buttoned her bag shut, revealing Ragara Akiva and two of his non-exalted patrician cohorts from House Ragara. Isha looked up at the intruders and got cold all over. She smiled nervously, trying to exude an aura of calm pleasantness to defuse any situation that might be brewing. "I was just about to leave," she said to them and stood. Akiva stood in the doorway in front of the cohorts. Isha shouldered her bag and headed toward them. They didn't budge from their spot blocking the door. "Who said you had to leave." He reached forward and shoved her back a few steps. "Stay awhile." She stepped away from them. They smelled of alcohol and from the look in his eyes, Akiva appeared to have come here specifically to find her. She held that smile of hers hard and fast, but her gut was already running in terror in the opposite direction. "No, it's okay. I don't want to interrupt whatever you're doing. My family is expecting me home anyway." Akiva smiled like a predator and stepped forward meaningfully. His goons came up to stand to each side of him. She stood rock-solid before his leering gaze, staring back up at him. Once they had cleared the door and there seemed to be a vector, she bolted around them. But... she wasn't quite fast enough. The goon to Akiva's right grabbed her by the arm, jerked her around, and pushed her down on her back against one of the desks. Akiva came up and peered down at her. She struggled against their hands but was held fast. "Oh, you're not interrupting, because, you see, I came to find you. Thus, I require your attendance for a while longer yet." He reached down, gripped her chin, and looked her over appraisingly. Isha stared up at him, realization dawning in her mind. He let go of her chin and instead gripped the fabric of her robes at her neck, while he pushed his hips inbetween her legs and his body up against hers. The terror in her mind began to roil and shift and change. Anger crept up to take its place, and two heartbeats later, a fury like she'd never known exploded inside of her. How could he do this? She may not be an exalt but she was from a well-respected, noble line within a major house. His face said it all, though: he expected her to just let him do whatever he wanted. And there was definitely quite a bit he wanted from her right at this moment. {{ :empress:protagonists:isha:reports:ragara_akiva_teen.jpg?200|Ragara Akiva}} His hand unfastened the first three buttons at her throat and was working on the fourth. She became very still, like a rock, while the anger flared up and boiled inside of her. Just as he was about to reach down inside her unfastened robes to grab at her breasts, she felt a power pour into her and fill her with a steady calm, a strength she'd never imagined. Her right hand balled up into a fist, suffused with a dense hardness, and less than a heartbeat later it slammed up into Akiva's chin, sending him literally flying through the air to slam into the wall just to the side of the door. He yowled in pain and his two lackeys just simply stood there in shock, staring in utter surprise, unable to act. She slipped off the desk and moved to loom over the pompous dragonblood, the top of her robe hanging open without a thought. "You, Akiva, need to learn some manners!" she yelled shrilly at him as shards of crystal floated around her refracting a warm, golden light all over the walls and ceiling of the room, as if a thousand fireflies were shining together in the night sky. He stared up at her, suddenly speechless, no longer even howling about his own broken jaw. She gave him a long stare, her expression full of fury, and then simply turned stiffly on her foot and strode out the door confidently. Once in the hallway, the terror got ahold of her again - she had just assaulted an exalt of a very powerful house - and she fled the scene, running nearly the entire way home. She collapsed on the front step of her family's house, her chest heaving. She reached down to button her robe back up and saw the crystals of golden light had followed her home, they were reflecting on her hands and clothes and... She had exalted, she realized finally. She hadn't had the slightest idea what it would be like, so she hadn't recognized it when it had happened. She touched her forehead in wonder, and all of the fright drained out of her in an instant. Instead, she smiled, stood, and strode into her house feeling like a million talents (money). Her house celebrated her exaltation with quite a rousing party that weekend, with Mixia in attendance. Isha told her all about what had happened, and Mixia's expression went from dismayed to angry to excitement. They giggled about it all weekend and then Isha left on holiday with her family for the week. When she returned, she found to her good fortune that she was not in any trouble. Mixia was overjoyed at her luck, and Isha had to stifle laughs when she saw Akiva walk in to class with a large, ugly bruise covering his whole left jawline. Isha decided to act normal, interacting with Akiva with polite pleasantness, and she found that he actually attempted to apologize for his behavior in his own way. In a snotty way. Alcohol, of course, got the best of him he said, and that in a normal state of mind he wouldn't give her second glance. "Of course," she thought sarcastically. But instead she simply replied, "to be expected of one with such a low tolerance of alcohol." He looked as if he might retort, but simply shook his head and walked off. From then on, her dynamic with Akiva changed significantly. He no longer actively harassed her. He wouldn't say anything nice to her or about her, but what he did say came out more as teasing than insulting and degrading. Mixia began to tease her about him. Isha blew it all off with a laugh, and just the next year, they all graduated from The Golden Ledger. Her graduation meant no more Akiva and far less of Mixia, although she did keep in touch with the latter. Since the time when she'd first joined the school, it had always been planned that she would apprentice with an unexalted merchant sailor of house Nellens named Barrat. This did not change even after her exaltation. So once she completed her schooling, she was off to join Barrat on his merchant ship. ===== Training Montage ===== In her time with Barrat, she learned the ins and outs of running a ship, its crew, and getting it from point to point. She was taught every job on the ship form navigator to dealing with the rigging. She also learned to fight with her wavecleaver daiklave under the difficult conditions of the instability of the rolling ship deck and cramped quarters of the cabins and other rooms interior to the ship. It was during this time Isha really came into her own. She found her defining fighting style and worked with it in an environment not particularly suited to one so attuned to Elemental Earth. In a way, she was stronger for it. She also honed her skills as a merchant, focusing on appraisals and dealing. She learned to bargain like a professional and navigate mountains of bureaucracy not unlike that which her parents did in the Immaculate Bureaucracy on a daily basis. She saw many different lands, and headed inland as far as Nexus to make deliveries deals. Once Barrat had taught her everything he could, her position among his crew began to change, and she became more like a partner than an apprentice. He began consulting her before making decisions and running ideas by her when planning the next deal. His reliance upon her was unmistakeable. After five years on the ship with Barrat and his crew, she finally returned home to attend to some overdue family duties. She met up with Mixia and Mixia's new husband, Peleps Carrack, who Mixia only kind of liked. Mixia had a daughter, just less than a year old, named Esperia. Isha had a good time catching up with Mixia and playing with Esperia, and spent a lot of time with her friend over the first several weeks back home. ===== Cynis Party ===== A couple of months after Isha returned home, she attended yet another exclusive Cynis party with Mixia. As they chatted to themselves while checking out the crowd, Mixia noticed Akiva standing across the room watching the two of them as they made the rounds. Mixia stealthily pointed him out to Isha, and after discussing it for a few minutes, Isha decided to go talk to him. She came up to him, drink in hand. He turned to look at her, quickly hiding an expression of surprise. "Akiva, it's been a while, what have you been up to?" Isha asked. "Who...?" He peered at her. "Oh, right, Nellens," he said dismissively. "Oh, I've been getting along well, of course, given how important I am. I perform a vital function in the Immaculate Treasury.... " He paused awkwardly and stared at her for a moment. "Wait, why are you talking to me? I thought we didn't get along?" Isha shrugged, a smile on her face. "We had some 'interesting' times in school I'll admit. But really, I'm not one for holding grudges. I came to see how you were getting along, and... well, despite things that have happened in the past, I wanted to make sure we're cool now." He studied her face for a moment. "Well, your family could certainly do with fewer enemies among the higher houses given the state of things..." "That's not really the point," she said, frowning slightly. "It's more that we're in the same social circle, and will be running into each other here and there, and... " He began examining his fingernails as she spoke. "...You know what, it seems like my presence displeases you," she said, bowing to him slightly, "so I guess I shall instead just depart and return to my friend." She turned to go, but he reached out and grabbed her hand and held her fast. She turned and looked up at him. "Wait, don't go." He shifted uncomfortably, his demeanor completely changed. "I'm... I'm not really myself around you." Her brow furrowed. "Why?" she asked, "I don't recall doing anything to you..." "Other than breaking my jaw?" He retorted and then immediately regretted. She turned to face him, yanking her hand out of his, and folded her arms across her chest as she stared up at him with an expression of annoyance. "Bury the hatchet or admit that you won't. I came over to talk to you as an adult, to extend an olive branch. Will you take it, or not?" "Mmmm..." he said, the corner of his mouth twitching with reluctance. "Well, I suppose I must admit that I did you a few injustices, although most of the things said were true. But I suppose it was in poor taste to rub it in your face. Rather crude of me." Isha gave him a strained smile. "I am never getting a direct answer out of you, am I?" she said with helpless exasperation in her voice. Well, she supposed, it was something, at least, to get him to admit some wrongdoing, although that hadn't been what she'd set out to do. He turned to stand next to her and put his arm across her shoulder, and then made a large, bold sweeping motion with his wine glass. "Let me make it up to you," he said, ignoring her last words completely. "You should attend dinner at my family manor in town three nights from now. I'll send an invitation with the directions tomorrow." It was stated in such a way that she would have a hard time refusing. Of course, he had done that on purpose. Isha could only marvel at his ability to abuse phrasing to manipulate conversations to such an insane degree. Well, she thought, what would it hurt, really? "Sure," she said with a forced smile, "that sounds like a wonderful idea. I shall be awaiting the invite, thank you." She used specific phrasing of her own to allow her to finally escape the discussion with some semblance of grace. With that she turned and meandered off away from him and back to Mixia... ..whom she found in the arms of a rather lithe and pretty-boy Wood Aspect. So instead of bothering her friend, she wandered off, far away from Akiva, to find a pretty boy of her own for an hour or so. ===== Ragara Family Dinner ===== With some amount of trepidation, Isha entered the home of Ragara Akiva. The place was as extravagant and over-the-top as one would expect of a house of bankers and financial planners. She was escorted inside by a butler, met by Akiva in the foyer, who took her back to an extravagant dining hall. There, she met his parents who rose to greet her upon entering. As soon as she came into the light, a look of shock passed over both of their faces. It was a reaction Isha had seen before almost countless times. "Your resemblance to the Scarlet Empress is uncanny...," Akiva's mother breathed in awe. His father just nodded in agreement. And then, in almost the same instant they both snapped out of their trances and shook hands with her, performing the usual formal introduction ritual. Only the elder generation ever reacted like this to her. Only they had ever known the Scarlet Empress personally. Akiva, Mixia, and everyone else of her generation... well, none of them really knew or cared about her resemblance. Isha wondered briefly as she shook Akiva's father's hand, if it would be like looking in a mirror, to stand before the empress. How weird would that be? Isha sat between Akiva and Akiva's exalted older brother. His little sister, who was already exalted at age 11, sat on the other side of him. Two other elder-generation patricians of the house were in seated next to his father, as well as three of Akiva's cousins on the other side of Akiva's brother, and his mother's exalted sister, who of course sat next to her. Isha was a bit surprised at the amount of people in attendance, but the way they talked of normal things and minor house gossip, and seemed just so generally at ease with each other, she began to suspect this was pretty normal for a dinner in this house, and was not at all especially arranged just because she was attending. However, it did not preclude some amount of prying, mostly on Akiva's mother's part. But generally, they were all very nice and pleasant and reasonable, and oddly enough, Akiva was clearly on best behavior. She'd never seen him behave like a gentleman before and was just nearly surprised that he could manage it. But, he did have the background and breeding of an important person in powerful sub-house within a powerful house, and everyone of that status was trained in formal behavior and manners that could be exercised at appropriate times. She did think that she much preferred him this way than his usual, snarky pompousness. She left thoroughly surprised. She'd never expected to leave having enjoyed hanging out with his family even though she'd had to dance around several prying questions (which she'd handled quite well, she thought). She had found Akiva's company to be comforting and supportive instead of adversarial for the first time ever. In the back of her mind she found herself envying their large, jovial family dinners, and wishing she could come back again just to hang out. What did it all mean? ===== Musings About Marriage ===== "Isha," said Mixia as she bounced Esperia on her knee, her voice serious and almost scolding, "Akiva has been in love with you for ages." She sighed. "If you hadn't Exalted, he was definitely going to try and turn you into some kind of mistress. But since you did Exalt... an actual marriage alliance is a real possibility for him. That dinner was totally so you could meet his parents and get their approval." Isha gave Mixia a look. "You can't be serious," she said, a smile on her face, her voice tinged with sarcasm, "He was always such an ass to me." "You are dense," said Mixia, shaking her head. "I tried to draw his interest to me to keep his attentions off of you... I mean he's rather attractive, from a good family. I wouldn't have minded it so much." Isha stared at her friend in surprise. "But he was having none of that," Mixia added. "It was all about you. It always was. Even when he backed off, after you Exalted." Isha looked down at her hands, wringing them back and forth in her lap. "I never really considered how attractive he might be. I was always just trying to do anything I could to avoid him or remove myself from situations with him." She paused, lost in thought. "Golden hair, golden eyes... I guess there's certainly nothing to complain about." "Akiva is quite attractive," said Mixia pointedly. "When he's not being an ass, I suppose," added Isha. She looked up at her friend and her smile faded. "Oh... Mixia... I didn't realize... I'm so sorry, I totally didn't realize it." Mixia sighed. "It doesn't really matter. It was never for me. I am already married, and he was never really interested in me like that. But you, what do you think of him now? From the perspective of marriage?" "You really think he's trying to arrange such a thing? Really?" asked Isha. Mixia's pointed expression said it all. "Well I... like you said, he's good looking, and from a good family." She wrung her hands some more. "But you know, if I had a choice, I'd probably rather have someone I didn't know at all. I'm not sure I'd want to be married to someone who has been known to treat me as badly as he did in school. Even if he was an idiot teenager with raging hormones back then." Mixia peered up at her as she stood and held her arms out to take Esperia. "But we'll see what comes of it. If your guess turns out to be true, I will see what I can do to get out of it. Maybe he'll take sex in exchange for dropping it." She held Esperia up in the air and blew a raspberry on her tummy. She giggled and squirmed and grinned. Mixia chuckled as she picked up a glass of wine from the table next to her and took a sip. "Good luck with that. You know in the end it really isn't his choice. If his parents decided they liked you a lot, you may be in for quite a fight." Isha simply smiled at Mixia. "Esperia, lets go play outside on the playground. Give your mommy a break." ===== Akiva's Proposal ===== Mixia was right. Isha sat with her parents as they discussed with her the Ragara proposal before them. She stated her opinion that she'd like them to consider other alliances, especially ones sought out by her own family for her. She made it clear that this was the same Exalt whose jaw she'd broken in school that had been harassing her persistently before that time and mildly after it. The two patricians of Nellens gave each other a long, pointed stare before telling Isha that they would take her input under advisement as they discussed her future with the house leaders. It was clearly a dismissal, and so Isha sought out Mixia for the rest of those hours that they were to consider it. "Told you," said Mixia, only slightly smug. "You did," said Isha. "But, it is what it is." She shrugged. "I suppose it could be worse." "A lot worse," agreed Mixia. Isha wondered if she referred to her own husband, Peleps Carrack. As far as Isha thought, Mixia's husband was alright. He did have an alluring appearance to him; black hair, deep blue eyes, chiseled features and a far more mature appearance and demeanor than the likes of Akiva. But, she supposed Mixia preferred blonds. And possibly also conceited asses. So many of her friends seemed to like that sort of thing in their boytoys, but she'd had enough hardship in her life that she just didn't have the energy to deal with difficult people on a long-term basis. Especially in her own (future) home. But would Akiva be an ass like that as her husband, or the gentleman she'd seen at the dinner party? Hard to say. But one thing was for sure, it really wasn't a risk she wanted to take. Mixia viewed his ass-like behavior as an immature expression of infatuation, but Isha wasn't quite so convinced. "I'll take your husband any day. You can keep Akiva." Mixia snorted. "If only." She shook her head. "But, as you know, it doesn't really work that way. Akiva doesn't really like me like that. And my husband's already got a mistress." "Does he? So soon?" she asked, a bit appalled. "Someone he was in love with before we were married," said Mixia. "It's okay though, I understand. We all do in a way. I do enjoy attending parties of _that_ nature every so often. He turns a blind eye, just as I do." Isha frowned at her friend. "And here I have the gall to grumble about someone who I might have to marry who you think is in love with me," said Isha, rubbing her temple with vexation. "Sometimes I wish I was the empress and could dictate everything in my own life and not have to marry anyone." Isha laughed at the absurdity of the thought. "Well, I guess I have the luxury of that daydream for now." Mixia snorted. "Well, you know, the reality of our situation isn't so bad, so long as there is a mutual understanding." Mixia got silent for a moment. "Although, if you get stuck with Akiva and you find you don't like him as much as he likes you... this kind of mutual understanding may be a problem." She paused again, then said quietly, "I never thought about that until just now. That would be way worse." Isha ran her fingers through her red tresses and fidgeted nervously. "You're right," she said, thinking about it for a minute. "But it's kind of out of my hands at this point." "If you become stuck with him, you'll probably have to do it on the stealth. It will be harder," said Mixia, shaking her head. "Well," said Isha, shrugging off the doom and gloom and instead grinning like a cat, "we'll just have to see what happens, I suppose. Maybe they will decline. Maybe Akiva has grown up a little. Maybe I will actually like him." Mixia smiled back at her and giggled a little. "You're so optimistic. But, perhaps you'll be right." ===== Isha's Hesitation ===== Isha let out a sigh of relief. Her mother sat next to her on the couch sipping a cup of tea from her favorite blue rose tea set. "You're not out of the woods yet, daughter." She took another long, dramatic sip. "We have only decided to continue considering all options, looking into various others from other houses. We are not declining the offer per se." She sat with her tea cup in her lap, her hands wrapped around it absorbing its warmth. "We sent his family a letter to that effect, telling them that we are still considering all offers and shall not be making a decision on it for at least a year." Isha smiled. "Still, that is something." "Indeed it is," she said. "I don't wish for you to be unhappy to an extreme degree. I understand your concerns with this candidate. I will do what I can to find you someone else who is equally compelling to house Nellens but who will at least be of more neutral disposition toward you." "Is he in the lead in terms of people, though?" Isha asked, her expression unusually neutral. Her mother peered at her for a moment then took another sip of tea. "Yes, he is. To be honest, he is the only one so far that has solicited us for you. We are in the process of considering others whom we might reach out to, but I can't guarantee anything." "I understand," said Isha. "Thank you, mother." "You have done us proud daughter, in all that you have done so far with your life," she replied. "We are lucky to have you and shall do our best to respect your wishes where we can." "Thank you again," said Isha, standing, and leaving her mother free to enjoy the rest of her evening. ===== Akiva's Invitation ===== Mixia fingered the paper that Isha had handed her, lost in thought. Isha was rolling around on the floor tickling Esperia, making her giggle loudly. "I don't see why you shouldn't meet him," she said finally. "Your family didn't decline the proposal, just... postponed it." "So you say," said Isha, laying on her back lifting Esperia up into the air above her, "But what if he expected the proposal would be met with immediate acceptance? And obviously, it wasn't. Do you think he might get angry about it, from your position of external observation of this whole thing?" "It's possible, I suppose," replied Mixia. "I don't think I've seen any indication of a loose temper, but he does have a firm idea in mind of how important he is and how he feels everyone should treat him." "But he is still just a male," said Isha, "I have more standing among my house than he does among his. In terms of the Immaculate Order, I have more standing than he does. The only thing he has up on me is that his house is in a much stronger position than mine." Isha tossed Esperia up in the air a short distance, making her giggle uncontrollably. "Once I Exalted, he did back off almost completely with the taunting. I'd become so used to his torment by then I hadn't realized that it was the change in my situation that affected his behavior so much. Perhaps he realizes his position is inferior to mine to a large degree." "You realize all male exalts would be in the same boat as him in terms of position compared to YOU," replied Mixia, pointing her finger at Isha matter-of-factly. "They are a commodity in our society and come in varying qualities which set them apart from one another. In terms of the specimen, he is one of the higher-rating ones. His house is in a strong position, he exalted very young which means the dragons are strong in his line, he is filthy rich and attractive. Not to be mean, but you bring only one of those bonuses to the table." Isha's face flushed scarlet, and she stuck her tongue out at her friend. "It's because I'm filthy rich, right?" Mixia laughed. "Riiiight-o. Just be sure to take a bath next time you see his parents." Both girls laughed at each other while the baby Isha was playing with looked between the both of them and laughed with them without understanding why. "In any case, he is still infatuated with you," said Mixia, wiping a tear from her eye. "Perhaps he hoped to get an acceptance right away, but now with the letter your parents sent him, he perceives competition and is trying to step up his game some. You may in fact be pleasantly surprised." "I can only hope..." said Isha, smiling up at Esperia who swung her arms around wildly and squealed. Mixia smiled, placing the note from Akiva to Isha against her lips lightly. "I can't wait to hear what happens." Isha eyed her friend but said nothing, and continued playing with the baby in her arms. ===== A Date With Akiva ===== Isha was inordinately nervous that evening. She may even have preened a little bit for someone she was, so she had said, not all that interested in. Isha sat on the edge of a stone fountain beneath a statue of the Scarlet Empress. She stared at the intricately carved stone with interest, wondering just how accurate this rendition of the Empress was. She'd never met the Empress, so she had to rely on things like this to gauge just how similar appearance was. Definitely, she could see the resemblance. And anyone who'd actually met the Empress always seemed so shocked. Like Akiva's parents. She felt hands fall lightly on her shoulders. She turned away from the statue to see Akiva peering around at her. "I'm glad you came," he said, his voice easy and pleasant. "Shall we go?" Isha stood and allowed him to slip his arm through hers and lead her off down the street toward the restaurant he had mentioned in his letter. Much to her relief, her time spent with him this evening was extraordinarily pleasant. He was, again, on best behavior. Better than she'd ever seen him. She actually had such a good time that she was forced to admit to herself that she had enjoyed herself, and his company. This new Akiva was surprising. Surprising and... intriguing. When dinner was over, they left the restaurant and headed back out to the fountain with the statue of the Empress. He sat with her and they talked for a long time, and then there, under the statue of the Scarlet Empress, he leaned forward and kissed her. And, she let him. She returned home with new considerations to ponder. Which was just what he had intended, she knew. ===== Preparation ===== She met him two more times for similar outings. And two more times he was utterly pleasant, attractive and increasingly more aggressive despite being in a public setting. This was a turning point in whatever relationship they had, even outside of the proposal. On the one hand, she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He had done nothing untoward since that day at school so long ago and by all indications he was making a significant effort to behave. Dynasts didn't go to all this trouble to have their parents force them to marry someone they don't like. But on the other hand... the Ragara were known for being schemers in addition to giant bags of money. Was there some other reason to go to all the effort to reel her in? Was his treatment of her in school a unique case, because he had a crush on her, or did he treat all non-Exalts that poorly? So many questions... She didn't normally assume the worst of people, but she'd seen his worst side and had it directed solely at her. She didn't want to have to deal with that on a day-to-day basis, in her own home, for the rest of her life. She wanted at worst blind-eye tolerance of the other person, not active torment. But on the other hand... She pulled her boots on, laced them all the way to her knees, and headed out to meet him at his apartment in town. ===== Akiva's Declaration ===== “Come in, come in, Isha,” he said to her as he opened the door. Ostensibly, he had made dinner. But meeting at his private apartment, she knew, had other implications. But she'd decided she was okay with whatever happened tonight as long as it didn't end up in a fist fight or something similar. But it was quite clear that that sort of thing was not what Akiva had on his mind... for sure. “Thank you,” she said, smiling up at him and stepping across the threshold. He took her hand and lead her room-by-room throughout the apartment, which did seem rather modest for a Ragara. "So I hear you made dinner," she said, nodding to the last room that he hadn't shown her. "Smells good." He smiled and looked down at his feet, then looked back up at her. She smiled up at him, wondering what this was all about. "I did, but..." he said, shifting weight between his feet. "But I never really intended for us to make it that far." He leaned in and pushed her up against a wall, his lips instantly on hers. She smiled at his forwardness, and wrapped her arms around him, pulling his body up against hers. They stumbled around the apartment, making out and groping, knocking over picture frames and expensive vases without care. Eventually they ended up in his bedroom, and several minutes after that, she was writhing atop him on his bed. Even later, she lay in bed with him, dinner indeed having grown cold ages ago. He was curled up around her naked form sleeping. At least, so she'd thought. "You know, I've loved you for a long time," came his voice quietly from just below her chin. "Yes," she replied. "And I chose to express it rather poorly when I was younger," he continued. "I don't know if it is possible, how I can possibly make up for my behavior back then." He paused, the silence growing uncomfortable. "I'm afraid you don't feel you'd ever be able to fully trust me because of that. And I understand that." He paused again and shifted against her. His face appeared next to her, and he looked into her red-brown eyes with his golden ones. "But if there's anything I can do to alleviate that, make up for that, please, tell me." She stared into his eyes for a long moment, and then pulled his face down to hers, drawing him into a kiss, initiating another round. He was more than willing to be pulled into her yet again, an effective distraction on her part. The next morning she laced her boots back up while sitting on the edge of Akiva's bed. He sat next to her rubbing her shoulders with practiced skill. "I have to tell you that I must leave," she said in a neutral voice. "My family has tasked me to join in a mission that will take me across the pond. I will be gone for months at least, possibly longer." She felt his hands stop. She continued lacing her boots anyway. "You will be gone? That long?" He sounded disappointed. She could understand why. "It happens," she said. "I don't really have a choice. You know how family duties are." "Yes..." he said, his hands sliding down from her shoulders to rest on her arms. "Damn it." She stood. He stood next to her. "Can I see you again before you leave?" She peered at him for a moment and smiled. "I must go home to pack. But I can probably come back by here tonight, if you want." "Yes," he said, relief in his voice. "Okay," she said. "I'll see you later then." She departed from his home and headed straight to Mixia's for a short detour before heading home to pack. ===== Isha's Reluctance ===== "So that happened," Mixia said, her eyebrow lifted at her friend. "Yes," said Isha, a bit somber. "How do you feel about it now?" asked Mixia. Isha sighed. "I like him alright, but that's all." She shrugged. "Not as much as he likes me, that's for sure. I was hoping it'd be more, but I can't say that it is." "This is bound to be awkward," said Mixia, shaking her head. "It's a good thing you're leaving." "Running away you mean?" asked Isha. "Because that's what it really is. I gladly took on this task specifically to escape having to deal with Akiva." "What are you going to tell your parents?" Mixia asked quietly. "Nothing," Isha said. "I'm going to leave my objection to the proposal on the table and hopefully they'll find someone else." "I'm a little surprised," Mixia said, "But if that's how you feel, I suppose I can understand that. A one-sided relationship is dangerous in a marriage. Especially when you start branching out." Isha nodded. "Well, hopefully they will find someone else of equal or better quality. There are plenty of people out there. I'm hoping the odds are with me." "I hope for your sake they are too," said Mixia, standing to take Esperia from the nanny as she brought the child in from her nap. ===== A Farewell ===== That night Isha spent a long evening of passion with Akiva, giving him and doing for him everything he could've wanted. And the next day he stood on the dock with a look of displeasure as she boarded the ship and headed out with several of her cousins to lay some smack down on some unruly Satrapies.