===== Duchess Elina Parnth ===== {{ farne:actors:andie_macdowell01.jpg?300}} Duchess Parnth is the ruler of the Duchy of Pal'parntha in [[farne:locations:Upper Thalia]]. Recently, due to her stubborn refusal to band behind either Duke vying for the control of [[farne:locations:Upper Thalia]] on the heels of [[farne:events:ariendaar_7th|the death of the current Lord Marshall]], her [[farne:events:earondaar_38nd_4377|capital city of Seldermoor]] was utterly destroyed by [[farne:actors:Sanria Veris]] (who apparently got too impatient to take care of this roadblock the "old fashioned" way). Duchess Parnth was in her 50s at the time of [[farne:events:earondaar_38nd_4377|the destruction of Seldermoor]]. It is unknown whether or not Duchess Parnth survived the conflagration.