===== Elector Jain Talpin ===== {{ :farne:actors:talpindevious.jpg?200|My devious plan is coming to fruition!}} Elector Jain Talpin is a patrician Elector and Baron of [[farne:locations:Alestia]]. It has been discovered that he is related to [[farne:actors:sanria veris|Archduchess Veris]] of [[farne:locations:Upper Thalia]] by marriage (one of his cousins, [[farne:actors:noe veris|Noe]], is married to one Veris's younger brother [[farne:actors:nevis veris|Nevis]]). And so, the group has set out to gather some evidence proving that she is using him to further her own means and by doing so, undermine the [[farne:locations:alestia|Alestian]] government.