{{ farne:actors:john_malkovich01.png?200|Duke Melfir}} Duke of Melfis, Tenris Melfir is cagey and brutal. Though nearly 70 years of age, he is a mountain of a man at 6'6" tall. His physical prowess is legendary in [[farne:locations:Upper Thalia]], having once disemboweled a fire-drake in a single blow. Once considered a shoe-in to be the next [[farne:actors:Lord Marshal of Upper Thalia|Lord Marhsal]], he lost the position (on the [[farne:locations:Plains of Herens|Plains of Herens]]) to [[farne:actors:Wost Denstil|Wost Denstil]]. Quick to laugh, quick to anger, Duke Melfir is both loved and feared by his men.