====== Vikram Jayaraman ====== {{ farne:actors:aamir_khan.jpg?200Vikram}} Vikram doesn't discuss much in the way of details about his origin or why he ended up in Alestia. But when he does tell the story on the incredibly rare occasion, he explains with little detail that he used to be a cavalry captain in his homeland of [[farne:locations:hanarajah|Hanarajah]]. To a very few people whom he trusts very much he will further tell them that he has been exiled from his homeland, but even to those few he will not explain why. In Alestia he works as a bowier and fletcher, and has recently taken on a student by the name of [[farne:protagonists:cassie:index|Cassie]] to whom he teaches the sword fighting style of his homeland, which primarily uses the scimitar. Of note is his horse, a gorgeous Andalusian stallion with a coat the color of midnight, named Achyuta. For those who know a thing or two about horses, this is quite a rare color of an incredibly coveted breed of horses that originate in the steppes of Vikram's homeland, [[farne:locations:hanarajah|Hanarajah]]. Only nobles tend to be able to afford such prized horseflesh in his own country, and they are almost never seen outside of his homeland, being so rare only kings can acquire them. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{ farne:actors:andalusian02.jpg?200|Achyuta}}