===== Vrad Gravath ===== {{ farne:actors:john_turner01.jpg?200|Vrad, farm boy}} Vrad is the 18 year old son of [[farne:locations:alestia|Alestian]] spy, [[farne:actors:ronn gravath|Ronn]], and has lived his whole life in [[farne:locations:Upper Thalia]]. He has an older sister named [[farne:actors:renme gravath|Renme]]. Vrad is very insistent and excited to leave his farmboy life and pursue a life wielding his sword, against his father's wishes. He was interested in joining the military, but after [[farne:locations:Upper Thalia|Upper Thalian]] troops raided his home, he now has a dim view of the military. Following the raid, the group sent him and his family to the [[farne:locations:Alestia|Alestian]] Barony of [[farne:locations:Runearch]], whereby [[farne:protagonists:cassie:index|Cassie]] sent with him a letter of recommendation to [[farne:actors:hilda madrigal|Hilda]] to employ Vrad as one of her personal bodyguards, since [[farne:actors:Jain Talpin|Talpin]] seems so set on kidnapping her. He is pretty handy with a sword, after all.