===== Barony of Runearch ===== Ruled for the last few centuries by the Madgrial family, this low lying [[farne:locations:Alestia|Alestian]] barony is rural and far further removed from the intrigues of the captial than the 3 day trip south would indicate. Dominated by large saltwater swamps along the [[farne:locations:Caer Caelestis|Sea of Heavens]], the barony sits astride a valuable trade route between the [[farne:locations:City of Alestia|City of Alestia]] and the [[farne:locations:Congress of Trade States|Congress of Trade States]]. The barony collects meager taxes on the road, and derives the majority of its income from the elemental water mined deep inside the swamps. The swamps are wild save for the roads that connect the mines to the Alestian Way or the ports that service them. Dangerous and disease ridden, the hearty miners make up the backbone of Runearch.