So after appearing in this inn bedroom, I volunteered to sneak out into the hall and downstairs to see where we were. It seemed like a normal enough inn, but full of soldiers dressed in [[farne:actors:Sanria Veris|Veris']] standard. Since we had to haul this heavy-ass gem which resisted attempts at being magically concealed around, we didn't think we could make it through a crowded common room full of Veris soldiers. I mean, I hadn't seen [[farne:actors:grave|black armor dude]], [[farne:actors:nemesis|shadowy]], or [[farne:actors:Serendipity|the hot one]] around, but it was still too risky. So we jumped out the window and found another inn. After getting some rooms, we learned we were in town in South Edge in Veris' Duchy. Damn, how did we end up this far out? We were concerned about gating back, because we knew the three had the ability to teleport but didn't use it, and one of them even complained about having to deliver this thing on horseback, so mebbe there was something preventing them from teleporting with this. But then we thought, mebbe its because they were only able to teleport and didn't have the ability to open up a gate. So we decided to try and gate back to [[farne:locations:Alestia]] and see if it could be done. What's the worst that could happen? So I did, and [[farne:protagonists:Grey:index|Grey]] decided to take it through. Only he passed through the gate and was still here. If only the problem was the gem resisting being magically transported. I could feel something coming through somehow, and tried to close the gate immediately, but it was too late. Right before it dissipated, wicked dark claws grab the edges and slowly began opening the portal back up. Whatever it was, it was huge. So we buffed up and soon we were face to face with a 12 foot tall infernal creature made of shadowy flame, his sheer form tearing through the roof of the room. I quickly drew my sword and came in with a wicked slash. It cut deep, but out of the wound came a gout of burning shadow, which I narrowly avoided. He seemed unconcerned with me though, and instead went after Grey, who had the gem. He grabbed Grey, so I made him pay for ignoring me. I went all out, moving aggressively and with little though to defense. In my mind, I already saw the moves I needed to make before I made them, my blows coming in with uncanny timing. A deep thrust that sunk deep into his back and I tore out through his side, causing him to drop Grey, who tumbled out of the closet to get more room to fight. Again, flames erupted from where I had cut him, but i managed to be out of range of it. Grey had already dropped the stone, which had rolled past the demon to the floor. Despite my wicked attack, he continued to shrug off our blows (though he did look pretty hurt) and go straight for the gem. I came in with another vicious chop which didn't deter him from trying to grab the stone, but [[farne:protagonists:cassie:index|Cassie]] picked it up and ran away. She was moving faster than normal, not as fast as me, but pretty fast. The devil gave chase, but since I played out the battle in my mind, I managed to attack him mid-stride, under his defenses. I quickly crossed in front of him with a deep slash, side-stepping him and, continuing my momentum, spun around and came back down with a downward slash which went down the unwounded side of his back. That finally finished him off, but I and everyone else in the room were knocked on our asses by a huge explosion. That was sure to get the attention of the three, if the thing tearing apart the inn roof wasn't enough. So we quickly caught up with Cassie and got the hell out of town post haste. I managed to sever any threads it had to the priestess chyx minions or whoever else it was connected to. But, we didn't get far when we noticed there were tons of people looking for us. No way we could make the weeks of travel back to Alestia with those guys hounding us. So, Grey, [[farne:protagonists:trent:index|Trent]] and I teleported back to our buried airship while Cassie and [[farne:actors:searn_dreval|Searn]] rode toward us on horseback, meeting in the middle. After we were reunited, we weren't sure where we should go at first. Flying across the border would be problematic, because there were Thalian airships about who would no doubt accost us. Finally, we decided to go to a town with a port that we could dock our ship at. The nearest place was a town called Ward. A little ways from Ward, we left the gem in a deep cavern Grey fashioned in the ground, with a doorway I could gate to. Then we headed into town to park our ship and get some much needed rest before we gated back to Alestia. Thank goodness, because I realized it had been a month since Tusbel. So, while Cassie and Searn were busy playing grab-ass and Grey and Trent were doing whatever the hell it is they do when left to their own devices, I went out to find a tasty little dish. I spotted a strawberry blond cutie (Lacey? Casey? I've already forgotten) on the street and using my charm talked her back to my room. Well, not my room where the others were, because I didn't want them privvy to such things, so I got a room somewhere else. After I was done, I headed back to our inn, and the next day we gated back to Alestia. Once we were back there, Searn took his leave and headed back to Fellarch, and we went to see [[farne:actors:philip madrigal|Philip]], who apparently was wanting to speak with us. We still had a bounty on our heads, and the most vocal group after us was called the "Keepers of Enma". They boldly claimed they would start killing an elector a day until we were turned over to them. Lucky for us, the Council was not going to kowtow to such crazy demands. So, we decided to look into both these Keepers of Enma and [[farne:cosmology:kaz|the samurai in the gem]]. After looking stuff up in the Library, Grey and I went to the Masayuman embassy to see if they could help shed some light on things. When we got there, we were met by this [[farne:actors:koga rei|mad-cute Masayuman girl]] (and a manifest!) who pointed us in the right direction. I was wanting to ask her out, but we had business to deal with first, so I could only hope she was still around on our way out (no such luck!). Her uncle did give us useful information. Grey spun a yarn about finding some ancient armor in our travels and asked the guy if he could help us identify it. Apparently the design matched the armor of an ancestor of his, whose name had been stricken from all records of their Clan for some dishonorable things he did hundreds of years ago. He also gave us the names of [[farne:ancient_history:dramatis_personae|his companions]], whom he betrayed. Grey would later find out in his research that one of those companions, [[farne:cosmology:lesser_powers#aya|Aya]], was the same Aya who had several temples in Alestia. Anyways, after I pumped the guy for some info about his hot niece, whom he basically said I had no chance with because I wasn't Masayuman nobility, we left. I also stopped by [[farne:locations:dragoth_s_hunt_club|Dragoth's Inn]] to find info on these assassins, and [[farne:actors:dragoth|he]] said he could put me in touch with someone named Mr Saris, who might be able to find some things out, the next night. The next day, I headed back to the embassy to find the cute Masayuman girl, Rei. Sure her uncle made it sound like they would in no way approve, but like I give a rat's ass. Its not like I'm wanting to marry her anyways, I'm just looking into having some fun. I did manage to find her thankfully, and managed to convince her to go on a date with me the next night. That night though, I met with Mr Saris, who didn't know anything about the keepers of Enma (Grey did find out in his research that Enma is what those lower plane creatures are referred to as in [[farne:locations:Masayume]] and [[farne:locations:Ling Zhao]]. We theorized, or rather hoped, they were just normal folks who just though the name was cool, and not a bunch of assassin demons!), but for a steep fee, he could find out more. We decided to meet with him the next day to negotiate things further, but in the afternoon, not night, since I had that date with Rei. When we met up with him again, we told him no thanks and took our leave. We figured our next move was to check out the main temple of Aya outside the city, and possibly taking the gate to Masayume to see if we could find out more there. But I had that date first... It went better than I expected, but not as well as I would've liked. We had dinner at a pretty good Masayuman restaurant. I've always found them to have nice cuisine, having had it a couple of times after classes with [[farne:actors:hideyaki arima|Master Hideyaki]]. But dinner was pleasant, I told her a little about myself, and she talked a little about her family. Rei seems to be a pretty ambitious young woman. I can see how she might intimidate other folks, but I found myself strangely drawn to that part of her. I wasn't sure how to broach the subject, but I think her manifest abilties come from infernal blood like mine. I mean, what do you say, "Are you descended from devils? Oh, its okay, I am too!" After dinner, we took a walk through Little Masayume before I dropped her off a couple of blocks from her house. Her family might not be too keen on seeing her spending time with someone like me. But she gave me a kiss on the cheek good night, and said I'd be seeing her around. That's good, right? Like I said, I was disappointed not being able to tap that, but I had a feeling she'd be a tough nut to crack. I knew I wouldn't be able to charm her like other girls, but she seems to have taken a sort of interest in me. Sure, there was something about it that was vaguely creepy, but still kinda hott!