A little later in the night, [[farne:actors:aldus winters|Aldus]] introduced me to his beautiful daughter, [[farne:actors:brittana winters|Brittana]]. The blond was a couple years younger than me, but had already fully blossomed into womanhood. Out of respect, I tried to hide the fact that I totally wanted to jump her bones from her father. Only he was a little too excited to be introducing us. I mean, he was more pompous in telling her who I was than I normally would be, and I'm someone who likes to toot my own horn. But hey, if he thinks I'm so great, who am I to stop him? Then he starts telling me about his daughter. He seemed very proud of her, but the way he was going on and on, I don't think she would've been able to get a word in edgewise if she wanted to speak to me. Not that I think she was trying to, she seemed very shy. Of course, that only excited me about her more. My mind started drifting to some very naughty thoughts, and I was broken out of my reverie a few seconds later when I saw Aldus waiting expectantly. I tried to cover, but then he commented, "Don't worry, she has that effect on men!" I was a little shocked he'd say as much, and Britanna definitely blushed at that, slightly embarrassed. Then he told me it was getting late, and he's not as young as he used to be, so he was going to take his leave. He was all, but that's no reason for his daughter to leave. Aldus insisted she stay, she was young, she should enjoy herself. Then he told me he trusted me to keep her company and went to say goodbye to some fellow senators before going. I was a little weirded out by the whole sitch, it almost seemed like he was throwing his daughter at me. I knew we were hot shit in a champagne glass, and that many of the noble families were courting us to raise their standing, but I didn't realize some of them were going to be so bold about it! I mean, it felt like Aldus was practically prostituting his daughter. I mean, that in and of itself wasn't enough to actually discourage me from tapping that, because she was pretty hot. But I was starting to think it might be more trouble than its worth. There would be certain expectations and who wants to deal with all that? I saw [[farne:protagonists:cassie:index|Cassie]] across the room flirting with two [[farne:actors:andregil bockermoor|young]] [[farne:actors:ryncer hingbury|noblemen]] (I smirked to myself as I imagined her leaving with the both of them) and lost track of the others (Okay, let's be honest, I didn't actually try looking for their [[farne:protagonists:trent:index|boring]] [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|asses]]), so I had no one but Brittana to keep me company. I could have a worse companion, she was definitely easy on the eyes. But our attempts at small talk were failing kinda miserably. I was fighting talking her into joining me in an unoccupied bedroom in this place and having a night of dirty fun, only to have her father find out and parlay that into a marriage or something. I had to start hobknobbing with some other folks to distract me, maybe find a girl that would be "safer" to get with. I saw a [[farne:actors:elloie firenze|cute brunette]] at the bar with a couple of guys. I think someone had introduced me to the two young men at some point in the night, but of course, I was paying less attention to the guys I met than the beautiful ladies. Anyways, the three of them were lounging at the bar, drinking amongst themselves, the girl hanging off the [[farne:actors:damon firenze|brown haired guy]] rather cozily. What caught my eye though was the way all three of them were looking lecherously at the other party goers on the dance floor. Interesting, most of the young folks here were obviously more interested in "physical pursuits" than the political networking and hob-knobbing the older generation were doing, but the three of them were a little more overt about it. They seemed to be people after my own heart. I had a sudden flash of inspiration and knew what I wanted to do. I asked Brit who those people were, and she said the blond dude was named [[farne:actors:jaeden stockholm|Jaeden]], the brown haired guy was named Damon, and the girl was his cousin Elloie. I remarked that they didn't seem like cousins and she said they've always seemed unnaturally close. I smirked at the thought. I asked her to introduce me, but she was a little hesitant. She told me she doesn't like the way Jaeden and Damon were always looking at her, and she thinks Elloie is making fun of her to her face half the time. After a little prodding, I got her to take me over there. She was still a little anxious, but I told her not to worry I'd be there with her to stop them from doing any funny business. We approached the group, and I could tell Brit was a little nervous. Before she could say anything, Elloie noticed us and said, "Oh hey, Britt, who's your friend?" She looked at me lasciviously as she asked, and I smiled cockily and returned the stare. Damon turned to Elloie and said, "Didn't you know, dear cousin? He's one of those new up and comers that has everyone all abuzz." Then he stood and made to shake my hand, "Royce, right?" I internally rolled my eyes and corrected him, "Its Boyce, actually." I continued, "Damon, right? I think your uncle introduced us earlier." Then I switched my attention to Elloie, "But he definitely didn't introduce me to your beautiful cousin, I would've remembered meeting such a lovely woman." Yeah, I was hamming up a little, but it didn't seem to turn her off, she stetched out her hand for me to kiss and formally introduced herself. "I'm enchanted," I said as I kissed her hand. I think Damon was actually getting a little jealous. Jaeden broke the slight tension by leering at Brit while asking us to join them. She backed away ever so slightly and went to stand slightly behind me, putting me between him and her. "Sure," I replied, and Brit looked at me pleadingly. I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze, whispering in her ear, "C'mon, just give it ten minutes. Don't worry, I'll be right here by your side the whole time, I don't think he's gonna try anything. And if you're still feeling uncomfortable we can leave." She acquiesced and we all headed to a nearby table. I motioned one of the servers to bring us a round of drinks. Cassie was on the dance floor with one of those guys she was talking to (the one with the dark flippy hair), and as she got close I motioned at her with my drink, raising an eyebrow and giving her a bemused look. She knew what I was thinking, so she just rolled her eyes and shook her head. I managed to catch a little snippet of her conversation with the guy as they danced away, something about "Oh, he's just one of my idiot friends being an idiot, just ignore him. Why don't we get out of the ballroom for a while and away from the crowd...". Anyways, I turned my attention back to the table and Elloie was all, "So why don't you give us a first hand account of these exploits you're so famous for!" So I babbled about helping to quell the riots, and thwarting that kidnapping ring. I commented about how //grateful// some of the [[farne:actors:hilda madrigal|rescued]] [[farne:actors:sina falric|girls]] were. I think everyone but Brit caught the implication, and Damon and Jaedan were pretty amused by that. I continued on, talking about how my friends and I exposed the traitor [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]] and captured him, and how we thwarted the terrorists attacking members of the senate. I guess I was going on and on about myself I didn't realize how much time had passed. It was well past when I told Brit we could leave if she wanted to, but since she didn't say anything, I assumed it was all fine. Part of me worried she just stuck it out there because she had no one else to hang out with and she didn't want to go home yet, lest she disappoint her dad. But, she didn't seem as nervous as earlier, so I thought maybe she had loosened up. Though I did notice she had ended up knocking back a couple of drinks. At this point I could tell Elloie was considering jumping my bones, given the way she somehow ended up on my lap at some point. And while Damon tried to act bored, I think I earned a bit of his and Jaeden's respect. Brit just sat there, acting kinda loopy. She seemed a little less nervous over Damon and Jaedan's advances, though while I think Jaedan wanted to hit it more, it was Damon who was making better progress. Elloie whisped in my ear, "Why don't you lose blondie and we head off somewhere?" As exciting as the prospect was, I had something better in mind. I replied to Elloie, "I dunno, I'm supposed to be looking after her, it wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me to leave her on her own." Elloie laughed, "C'mon, we both know you're no gentleman." I grinned back, as if conceding the point. "Besides," Elloie continued, "I'm sure my dear cousin and his friend here can take good care of her. You'd be fine with that, wouldn't you, Brit?" "Uh... sure, I guess," she responded. "Now, let's not be hasty, I don't think there's any reason for Brittana not to come along and join us," I said. I think Brit was pretty buzzed and missed my comment, while Jaeden grunted in protest. Elloie leaned in and whispered, "I know you think you're hot shit and all, but no way are you gonna convince little miss vanilla over there into a threesome. She's still a virgin for gods' sake!" "Care to wager on that?" I said with a smirk. She looked at me amused, "Okay, I'm game, what do you propose to get if you win? I take it you're wanting something besides getting to see me and Brit all over each other?" I just looked at her ass, cupping it and giving it a squeeze, wriggling my eyebrows as I did. She got my intention, and said, "And what do I get if I'm right?" "I hate to break it to you, but its not gonna matter since I'm gonna win," I grinned. She pouted, acting mock offended, "Okay, if I win, then Damon joins us." "Your cousin?!" I asked skeptically. "Sure, why not?" she replied. Pretty kinky girl, I thought, it was a little exciting. "Okay, sure," I responded, "just give me five minutes." Elloie hopped off me and I grabbed Brit and headed to a secluded corner to talk. I asked her if she was enjoying the party and she nodded. She remarked Elloie was being nicer than she normally is, and that Damon and Jaeden weren't as skeevy as she thought they would be now that she's gotten to know them a little more. All in all, its the most had she's had at one of these parties and she thanked me for hanging out with her and if I wanted to go off with Elloie, she'd be fine. I joked that she wouldn't get rid of me that easy, that I've been enjoying her company, and the night was far from over, I still wanted to hang out with her. I figured she was sufficiently primed, and made my play. "Hey, Brit, would you like to join me and Elloie?" "Join you guys?" she wondered. "We were going to go upstairs and check out the rooms. C'mon, it'll be fun!" "Ida know," she hesitantly replied. "Please?" I asked, turning on the charm and looking at her with puppy dog eyes, "I would really love it if you could join us." She was still hemming and hawing, so I brought up how she was nervous about hanging out with the others earlier, and it turned out fine. "I guess," she replied, then with more confidence continued, "Okay." "You won't regret it," I told her. As we headed back she gave one last protest. "Wait. I've never done anything like this before," she said, indicating she had an inkling of what I was actually implying by asking her upstairs. I told her not to worry, I'd be right there to show her around the curves, so to speak. That seemed to placate her a little, and I further reassured her that I didn't care she wasn't experienced, and reasoned, how else is she going to get the experience unless she experiences it? Returning to the table, I told Elloie that Brittana wanted to join us upstairs. "You do know what we're planning on doing up there?" Elloie asked with a mischevious smile. "YES," Brit replied, and Elloie was a little taken aback by the confident reply. Elloie gave me a wry smile and whispered in my ear, "Guess you win!" As she got up, I heard Jaeden mutter under his breath, "Aw Man!" I looked over at him and Damon and said, "You know, no one actually said you couldn't come upstairs with us." "Alright!" Jaeden said, practically leaping out of his seat. Damon played it a little cooler acting all coy and asking, "Why would I want to do that?" Elloie just rolled her eyes and said, "Oh please, you know you want to," giving him a lascivious look and pulling him out of his seat and towards the stairs. Meanwhile, I noticed Brit had gotten a little wide-eyed over this new situation, so I had to reassure her that I wasn't steering her wrong and that we'd all have a great time. Luckily, she was still willing. What followed was a totally awesome night of debauchery. I don't think Brit would tell her father the details of what happened, but given we spent all that time together, I just know he's gonna give me the hard sell on his daughter. Eh, whatever, the night makes having to deal with that totally worth it.