======= Purview of Magic ======= [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:character_sheet:magic:innate_abilities|Back]] ]\\ ====== Magic Purview ======= **Primary Focus Purview:** Magic\\ **Die Pool:** None\\ **Pre-Requisite:** None\\ **Tier:** 0\\ **Cost:** Standard Tier 0\\ ^ ^ Min Eminence Level ^^ ^ ^ Effect ^ Prime ^ Description ^ ^ Chosen of Magic | 1 | Grants you the ability to purchase any of the Magic Purview-based Powers if you meet the requirements. | Whenever magic is listed in square-brackets (like so [Magic]), it is referring to the number of ranks you have purchased in this Power, “Chosen of Magic”. Your ranks in this Power restrict what you can buy and how many dice you roll for all Magic-Purview Powers. Essentially, you cannot purchase a Magic-Purview Power higher than your ranks in this. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ====== Embodiment of Magic Style ====== [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:character_sheet:magic:innate_abilities|Back]] ]\\ \\ Allows the user to affect magic (Supernatural Powers of any flavor, including Manifest Powers, Spirit Powers, Priestly Powers, etc) in the following ways. Lasts for a scene by default, unless otherwise noted. Note that Aggravated damage infliction costs 1 Mana. This is considered a style of Martial Arts. **Primary Focus Purview:** Magic\\ **Die Pool:** [Magic] + RES (+ Occult)\\ **Pre-Requisite:** "Chosen of Magic"\\ **Tier:** 1\\ **Cost:** Standard Tier 1 cost for each sub-Power\\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Magic Defender | 1 | (Alter Aura, target=self) Alter your own magical aura to appear mundane or magically different, to your liking, and you can do this for others at [Magic] +1. Also at [Magic] +1, this can provide [Magic] dots worth of shielding against magic effects targeted on yourself, Potency = [Magic]. At [Magic] +2, you can cast the shield on others. | ^ | +1 | (Alter Aura, target=other) | ^ | +1 | (Magic Shield, target=Self) | ^ | +2 | (Magic Shield, target=other) | ^ | +3 | (Magic Barrier) Roll die pool, and for each success, provides successes in Potency for activation suppression (for Powers of any type: Manifest, Priest, Spirit, etc) within a radius of ( successes * 10 yards). Also, for each success, you may omit one person (who can activate Powers) of your choosing from this barrier. You must specifically choose to omit yourself as one of your slots. Any Powers active before this one is activated still function normally. Note that Sensory range is generally greater than the radius of this Power, so other Manifests can move outside of the range of this Barrier and start activating Powers capable of targeting you at Sensory range. | \\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Deactivate Power | 2 | (Instant Action) Roll die pool and subtract Potency of running spell. If you gain more successes (more than a tie), you succeed in deactivating the Power. | ^ Counter Power | +1 | If you haven't gone in the round, you can attempt to counter someone else's Power Activation, to suppress it before it even happens. Roll ( Die Pool ) vs Spell Potency (num of successes). If you have more (better than a tie), you succeed. Either way, this becomes your Action for the turn, and you cannot do any other Power Activations or Attacks until your next turn. | \\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Focus Mana | 3 | Perform a ranged attack of focused Mana; roll Die Pool vs STA + Power Stat. Does bashing at this level and scales (+1 = lethal, +2 = Aggravated) | ^ | +1 | (Lethal) | ^ | +2 | (Aggie, 1 Mana) | \\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Drain Mana | 4 | Activation Cost is 1 Mana. Roll Die Pool vs RES + Power Stat, if you succeed you cause the target to lose SUCCESSES in Mana (or the equivalent). You do not absorb the lost mana at this level ([Magic] +1). | ^ Steal Mana | +1 | At this level, you can convert/absorb-as-Mana the Mana (or equivalent) stolen from a successful roll of Drain Mana. If you are converting from something other than Mana to Mana, you must pay an additional 1 Mana to activate this Power. | ^ Imbue Mana | +2 | At this level, you can charge something/someone with (your) or (stolen) Mana (if a Mana conversion is needed, you must pay 1 extra Mana to do the conversion). | \\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Hijack Power | 5 | Cost 1 Mana. For any active Power or Power being activated, the user can spend 1 Mana and roll Die Pool vs the Spell's Potency. Upon success (greater than a tie), the Manifest can redirect the power to a person of his choosing within Sensory range (resisted as per whatever the hijacked spell's description). Note that the next action by the Manifest whose power is being hijacked is most likely to drop the Power. | ^ Channel Power | 5 | Does not need to be separately purchased. If the Manifest has "Create Magic Item" (below), this can be used to Imbue a Magical Item with a Power that another Manifest has that the Magic-Bending Manifest doesn't personally have access to. | \\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Embodiment of Magic Form | 6 | Cost: [Magic] in Mana. You channel the absolute mastery of Magic through your body, and take on the form/features of visible Magic itself for a scene, gaining the following benefits for the duration (the numbers in parens are the [Magic] Level requirements). Usage of these Form-Power benefits do not count as a specific sub-Power activation, so you can still use the sub-Powers separately (e.g., you can cast "Magic Shield" on your comrades while this Form Power is up) for the purposes of multiple activation. Scrutiny by any version of Magic Sight shows a single Magic-Purview Manifest Power active no matter what of the following list of benefits you are currently using. | ^ | | (0) Anyone who successfully lands a magical/supernatural attack (melee or ranged, Manifest Weapons count) on you automatically takes ( Roll [Magic] ) in magical damage, as you hijack the essence of their Power and channel it back at them. This ignores all defense/armor. This provides no benefits against mundane attacks. | ^ | | (1) You can now ignore ( Roll [Magic] ) points of damage ("Magic Shield") any time someone successfully lands a magical/supernatural attack on you (this includes Manifest Weapons). This provides no benefits against mundane attacks. | ^ | | (2) You can now Deactivate Powers ("Deactivate Power") at will (Instant Action). | ^ | | (3) You can now perform a magical ranged attack at will ("Focus Mana"). Aggie still costs 1 Mana. | ^ | | (4) You drain mana/supernatural pool ("Drain Mana") at will, and you only need to pay the 1 Mana cost if you're draining from a pool that isn't already Mana (like from a Spirit, or a Priest). This is an Instant Action. | ^ | | (5) You can now hijack powers at will ("Hijack Power") with no Mana cost unless the power is not a Manifest-Type Power (e.g., Spirit, Priest, etc all cost 1 Mana). This is an Instant Action. | \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ====== Kindred of the Spirits ====== Allows the user to interact with Non-Elemental Spirits in the following ways. Lasts for a scene by default, unless otherwise noted. Note that Aggravated damage infliction costs 1 Mana. **Primary Focus Purview:** Magic\\ **Die Pool:** [Magic] + MANIP (+ Persuasion)\\ **Pre-Requisite:** "Chosen of Magic"\\ **Tier:** 1\\ **Cost:** Standard Tier 1 cost for each sub-Power\\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Eyes of the Spirits | 1 | Lasts for a Scene. See both the world of magic ("Mage Sight"), and Spirits dematerialized in the Material Plane. Spend 1 Mana and see beyond the gauntlet into the realm of Spirits. | ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Tongue of the Spirits | 2 | Lasts for a Scene. You are now able to communicate with with any Spirit of any type. | ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Summon Spirit | 3 | Instant Action. You summon the nearest Non-Elemental Spirit (type of your choosing) whom your Eminence is greater than their Spirit Ranking, and who is present in either the Material Plane or just across the other side of the Gauntlet. They will appear before you as quickly as they can double-move to your location. Upon the Spirit's arrival, they are bound to the location for ( [Magic] minutes ), whereby you can negotiate with them, question them (under no compulsion) or activate "Control Spirit". | ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Control Spirit | 4 | Lasts for a Scene. You can now control any Non-Elemental Spirits of whom your Eminence is greater than their Spirit Ranking. Roll Die Pool - Resistance Stat. | ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Spirit Gate | 5 | You can open a two-way gate to any of the Spirit Planes (Non-Elemental) of existence from any other Plane, or you can open a gate from any of the Spirit Planes (Non-Elemental) back to the Material Plane. Gate remains open for ( Concentration + [Magic] minutes ). The Gate does not need to be anchored to a doorway frame of any sort, and the Gate can optionally be of a size such that objects of up to Size ([Magic] x 10) can be moved through. | ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ King of the Spirits | 6 | Cost: [Magic] in Mana. You transform into a (Non-Elemental) Spirit version of yourself for a scene (your aura appears to be that of a Spirit, not a Manifest), gaining the following benefits for the duration (the numbers in parens are what you get for each dot of [Magic] "Chosen of Magic" you have, so if you have only [Magic] 6, then you can't do the [Magic] 7 benefit). | ^ | | (0) For the remainder of the scene, you no longer need to breathe/eat/etc like other Spirits, and you can attack dematerialized spirits of any type normally (effectively, you can utterly destroy a spirit now; this costs 1 Mana when the final blow is landed). | ^ | | (1) You can see the flows of magic (prereq: "Eyes of the Spirit"), dematerialized Spirits, or through the gauntlet (Mana no longer required). | ^ | | (2) You can communicate with any Non-Elemental Spirit at will (prereq: "Tongue of the Spirit"). | ^ | | (3) Summon Non-Elemental Spirits to you (prereq: "Summon Spirit") and (4) You can command any Non-Elemental Spirits (prereq: "Control Spirit") using the same restrictions as the prereqs. | ^ | | (5) You can plane-shift yourself (Instant Action) back and forth between the Material Plane and any Non-Elemental Plane of your choosing (prereq: "Spirit Gate"). | ^ | | (6) You can turn coporeal/incoporeal like other Spirits as an Instant Action. | ^ | | (7) You gain the effects (for the duration) of simply being dematerialized and sent back to your "home Plane" (Across the Gauntlet) if "killed" during battle while this is Power is still active (and the user is not wielding a weapon/Power that can destroy spirits). | \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ===== True Transmutation ===== **Primary Focus Purview:** Magic\\ **Die Pool:** [Magic] + MANIP (+ Persuasion)\\ **Pre-Requisite:** "Focus Mana" & 1 Level of other Bending Styles of interest (see text)\\ **Tier:** 1\\ **Cost:** Standard Tier 2 cost for each level\\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Transmute Substance | 3 | Transmute **attributes** between Purviews. You must have the appropriate Purview-Type Power for each Purview Type involved in the conversion. Ex, Make a Stone (Earth)((Requires "Chosen of Earth")) glow brightly (Fire:Light)((Requires Light Elemental Style)), turn a Steel Sword (Earth:Metal)((Requires Metal Elemental Style)) into a clear but still sharp sword of water (Water)((Requires "Chosen of Water")), or make a wooden (Earth:Wood)((Requires Wood Elemental Style)) wall transparent (Air)((Requires "Chosen of Air")) or translucent (Fire:Light)((Requires Light Elemental Style)). | ^ | +1 | Transmute Substance between Purviews. Same requirements as above, but now you can turn a Rock (Earth)((Requires "Chosen of Earth")) into a Mouse (Water:Life)((Requires Life Elemental Style)). | \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ===== Create Magic Item ===== **Primary Focus Purview:** Magic\\ **Die Pool:** [Magic] + COMP (+ Craft)\\ **Pre-Requisite:** "Drain Mana" & Relevant "Chosen of X" (see text)\\ **Tier:** 2\\ **Cost:** This only needs to be bought once; use the Tier 2 costs.\\ ^ Effect ^ [Magic] ^ Description ^ ^ Create Magic Item | 6 | Imbue a Power of rank ( [Magic] - 5 ) into an item Permanently. Costs [Magic] in Mana and 1 Permanent Willpower dot (which can be bought back up later). Casting time is ( [Magic] * 10 minutes ) and a Nimbus Flare of ( [Magic] ) Level cannot be avoided. Furthermore, Imbued Powers stack. You can Imbue an Axe with a rank 2 power today, and a week from now you can imbue a different rank 3 power into the same Axe. Note that the Imbued Power does not necessarily need to be possessed by the Chosen of Magic who is Imbuing the item. See the "Channel Power" Power listed above. | ^ | | Example: Your Primary Purview is Magic and you want to confer "Summon/Banish Fire" to a longsword. "Summon/Banish Fire" is a [Fire] rank 2 Power, therefore you need to have [Magic] 7 ( 7 [Magic] - 5 = a rank 2 [sub-]Power ) at least in order to Imbue the sword. | \\ \\ \\ \\ \\