===== The Elector's Daughter ===== [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:reports index|Back]] ] [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:entry02|Next]] ]\\ \\ The day started about as typically as always. I spent most of the day mending various things about the [[farne:locations:Occluded Rainbow Inn|Inn]] and doing various minor chores. [[farne:protagonists:Grey:index|Grey]] and [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] headed off to the library at some point. After while I noticed [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] returned by himself. It started getting late in the evening, and I decided to put down what I was doing to head out and go find [[farne:protagonists:Grey:index|Grey]]. He was probably still at the library with his nose stuck in a book, not realizing how late it had gotten. I had the misfortune of running into some would-be muggers on the way. I told them to head off and leave me be, but they insisted I give them money. After a pretty quick beat down, during which [[farne:protagonists:Grey:index|Grey]] showed up, commenting that he'd run into these jokers earlier, I instead took their money, and sent them on their way, telling them they would do well to find a safer profession if they wanted their families to continue eating in the future. The next day I figured I would head to the market in order to distribute the money amongst the beggars there. But anyway, as [[farne:protagonists:Grey:index|Grey]] and I returned to the [[farne:locations:Occluded Rainbow Inn|Inn]], [[farne:actors:bagram_fossil|Bagram]] announced that his friend [[farne:actors:philip_madrigal|Philip the Elector]] would be visiting the next night, and not only that, but [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] had performed some magicks and discovered that there would be an attack. But not against [[farne:actors:philip_madrigal|Philip]]: instead, his daughter, [[farne:actors:hilda_madrigal|Hilda]]. The next day we spent getting the [[farne:locations:Occluded Rainbow Inn|Inn]] ready for such an auspicious guest, in addition to planning what should be done about the foreseen attack. I helped [[farne:protagonists:Grey:index|Grey]] with a bit of gadgetry attached to the door of the [[farne:locations:Occluded Rainbow Inn|Inn]] in preparation. When [[farne:actors:philip_madrigal|Philip]] arrived, [[farne:actors:bagram_fossil|Bagram]] informed him of what would happen, and I agreed to switch places with [[farne:actors:hilda_madrigal|Hilda]], and would sit down in the common room with [[farne:actors:philip_madrigal|Philip]]. Meanwhile, [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] would guard [[farne:actors:hilda_madrigal|Hilda]] in an upstairs room. [[farne:actors:bagram_fossil|Bagram]] also called in two toughs to help us out. As the appointed time approached, I scanned for grouped minds with an ill favor to them. There were more than I had thought there would be given [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]]'s description, but when they showed up, I found that they split up in order to circle the [[farne:locations:Occluded Rainbow Inn|Inn]] and attack from multiple sides. I informed everyone subtlety that the action was about to start. It seems that [[farne:protagonists:Trent:index|Trent]] and his tree friend did the most damage to the guys, and I completely did not intend to nearly mortally wound the poor sot, but I smashed one of the guys square in the face with a liquor bottle, nearly killing him. Another two were taken care of by [[farne:protagonists:Grey:index|Grey]] and [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]], and then the survivors were trussed up, bandaged up, and then sent into the back room for interrogation.