===== The Interception ===== [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:entry02|Previous]] ] [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:reports index|Back]] ] [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:entry04|Next]] ]\\ \\ After finding [[farne:actors:Larkis]]'s ledger sneaking in, we came back at 6am to bang on his door in an official capacity. With much of an attempt at bargaining on [[farne:actors:Larkis]]'s part, and my searching "skills", we hauled him off to the nearby constabulary office. [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] went to wake [[farne:actors:Judge Falric]], and he came by to question [[farne:actors:Larkis]] and do their bargaining. [[farne:actors:Larkis]] gave up the name of an Elector, [[farne:actors:Jain Talpin]], as the guy who was ordering all the rich red haired girls up for kidnapping. And that he ([[farne:actors:Larkis]]) was shipping them to [[farne:locations:Kalin's Pass]] in the [[farne:locations:Samprin Hills]], where [[farne:actors:Jain Talpin|Elector Talpin]] picked them up himself, with two beautiful and yet scary women in tow. We told [[farne:actors:Judge Falric]] that we intended on going (unofficially) to retrieve the caravan [[farne:actors:Larkis]] had sent out 8 days ago, and he [[farne:actors:Judge Falric]] recommended the name of someone out there who could help guide us to the pass. We took an airship and landed at the army base in the remote town, and queried the staff about a one Officer [[farne:actors:Wil Hintermarz]]. Eventually we found someone who knew where he was located and pointed us to an outpost outside of town. We headed there and met up with [[farne:actors:Wil Hintermarz|Wil]]. He seemed to know the [[farne:actors:Judge Falric|Judge's]] daughter, [[farne:actors:Sina Falric]], and was concerned about the plot she was recently involved in that we saved her from. He had to request leave in order to help us, but luckily they let him go. So we headed out into the wild territories, heading towards an intercept point just outside of [[farne:locations:Kalin's Pass]]. I had first watch with [[farne:actors:Wil Hintermarz|Wil]] every night so I got to learn a bit about him. I guess he's descended from both a lightning elemental and a celestial. His clothes and he himself were always clean and immaculate (celestial), and he had mirror-like eyes (lightning elemental). We seemed to have a lot of mundane interests in common. The second night, during [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]]'s and [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]]'s watch, we were attacked by a hoard of kobolds. I was having trouble hitting them even though I am kinda short myself, and they made me mad stabbing me in the leg -- anyway, I ended up whacking quite a few of them down to size. Eventually, after [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] and [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] took care of the two shamans, they rest ran away and we burned the bodies and got back to sleep. Once we arrived at the intercept spot, about half a day ahead of the caravan, we started planning our ambush. [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] was to start a rockslide. I would spook the horses of any riders, and then [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] and [[farne:actors:Wil Hintermarz|Wil]] would drop lightning down at people from the cloudy, rainy sky. [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] was just going to attack people I think. Anyway, as they approached, we saw two slave carts, each pulled by 2 horses with 1 driver, two guards walking in the rear, 4 guards walking in the front, and two mounted guards riding in the front. [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] cued the landslide as they approached. I mired the wagons in the target area. Then I spooked the two mounted riders' horses, which cued [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] and [[farne:actors:Wil Hintermarz|Wil]] to bring the lightning down. As that happened, [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] jumped onto the driver of the rear cart, eviscerating him. I then jumped onto the rider of the first cart, sending him flying into the ground, bloody. Things happened quickly from there. More lightning, some fist fighting up front with [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]]. One of the mounted riders fell from his horse, hurting himself horribly. [[farne:protagonists:Boyce:index|Boyce]] came up and took care of him, and so I came up to the second rider who was still mounted but not yet in control of his animal, and cut his saddle straps, causing him to go flying over the side of the horse and hang stupidly from it. We trussed up the survivors, sent [[farne:protagonists:trent:index|Trent]] to heal the girls such that he could, locked all the baddies into the cages and put them up against the rockslide, and then evaluated the situation and what we needed to do to get the girls back to [[farne:locations:city of alestia|Alestia]].