===== Devilish Chaos ===== [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:entry05|Previous]] ] [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:reports index|Back]] ] [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:entry07|Next]] ]\\ \\ We tried to meet up with [[farne:actors:Braith]], but he didn't show up. Due to all the chaos that came to our ears that was going on back in [[farne:locations:city_of_Alestia|Alestia]], we decided to leave a note for [[farne:actors:Braith]] to meet in 2 days and head back to [[farne:locations:city_of_Alestia|Alestia]] via a gate spell to see what was going on. It was utter chaos. So we all decided to take a little action. I headed down to the docks to see if I could quell the angry mobs in some way. Turns out they were ever so slightly organized, enough that that had a leader. I talked to him a bit, and it was decided if we could get some food to them, that we could make use of them to some of our ends, depending on the circumstances. Later, I went to speak with [[farne:actors:bagram_fossil|Bagram]] and he told me where I could find [[farne:actors:Philip Madrigal]]. I weaseled my way in to speak with [[farne:actors:Philip Madrigal|Philip]] and really just touched-base, letting him know where the [[farne:actors:Hilda Madrigal|Hilda]] thing stood and that we knew [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]] was stirring up some stuff and we may need to leverage his power as an Elector to take care of what [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]] had orchestrated. [[farne:actors:Philip Madrigal|Philip]] said he would do whatever was in his power, and I headed back to find [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] waiting for me with an idea. No, not THAT kind of idea. Anyway, so [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] and I headed to where the [[farne:locations:city_of_Alestia|Alestian]] food supplies were being held and essentially constructed an underground tunnel into them so that the semi-organized mob at the docks could get at it. When I got home, apparently there had been some excitement on [[farne:protagonists:boyce:index|Boyce]] and [[farne:protagonists:trent:index|Trent]]'s end. Something about a fight with devils... I dunno. I was too tired to listen to this now so I instead went to bed. The next day [[farne:protagonists:boyce:index|Boyce]] regaled me with his awesomeness the previous night but I could see in his surface thoughts that he accidentally got caught in the closet in [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]]'s house, alerting [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]]'s two devilish girlfriends to [[farne:protagonists:boyce:index|Boyce]]'s presence. So really it's all his fault they got into the fight in the first place! While [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] and I headed out to give the refugee band leader the location of the tunnel and get our relationship finalized, off [[farne:protagonists:boyce:index|Boyce]] went to tell [[farne:actors:Philip Madrigal]] what he'd discovered while sneaking around [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]]'s house. This basically amounted to him spying a conversation between [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]] and [[farne:actors:general_zod|General Zod]], whereby [[farne:actors:general_zod|General Zod]] was informing [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]] that the shuffling of troops to the [[farne:locations:shesslia|Shesslian]] border was going according to plan. It was inferred that troops were being moved OFF of the [[farne:locations:upper thalia|Upper Thalian]] front to do this, and that this was their actual goal, not to reinforce the [[farne:locations:shesslia|Shesslian]] border. After all that, we gated back to [[farne:locations:Endelbar|Endelbar]] in the afternoon in order to meet with [[farne:actors:Braith]]. I changed into my dark elf getup and went to the tavern. I discovered a guy there who fit the image I had of him, and so I sat down at his table. He asked me why we deviated from the plan. Well, it appears [[farne:actors:Nuladit|Nuladit]] lied to us. She will have to pay for that in some form or another before this is over. I told him that the job turned out more dangerous than the original bargain, a member of our group was killed, and we wanted more money. He told me then that this discussion was over, we could keep [[farne:actors:hilda madrigal|Hilda]]. He got up and walked out, and while I couldn't really see what was happening, apparently [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] and [[farne:protagonists:boyce:index|Boyce]] managed to to almost kill the guy instead of just knocking him out as emerged from the tavern into the street. After stabilizing him, we took him to an Inn on the outskirts of the city to interrogate him. Unsurprisingly, he had been hired by [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]], and apparently there were two more girls being held in the docks area of [[farne:locations:Endelbar|Endelbar]]. While [[farne:protagonists:grey:index|Grey]] was inquiring about the people working with [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]], the guy basically just magically immolated. Apparently he was not supposed to discuss such things. Anyway, we headed down to the docks and rescued the two girls, hiring carriages and sending them back to their families out in the countryside. And with that, we headed back to [[farne:locations:city_of_Alestia|Alestia]] to determine a way to take care of [[farne:actors:jain talpin|Talpin]], who seemed more and more to be the linchpin in all of this.