====== Cassandra Sakai's Journal ====== [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:index|Back]] ]\\ {{ farne:protagonists:cassie:green4_nakama_yukie01.jpg?200|Cassie}} \\ - [[Prequel01|Prequel: Love, Loss, and Guile]] -\\ \\ - [[entry01|Entry 01: The Elector's Daughter]] -\\ - [[entry02|Entry 02: The Wannabe Mobster]] -\\ - [[entry03|Entry 03: The Interception]] -\\ - [[entry04|Entry 04: Diabolical Interest]] -\\ - [[entry05|Entry 05: Devil's Daughter]] -\\ - [[entry06|Entry 06: Devilish Chaos]] -\\ - [[entry07|Entry 07: The Eyes are Watching You]] -\\ - [[entry08|Entry 08: And Teeming With Horses Shall It Ever Be]] -\\ - [[entry09|Entry 09: We Have an Airship... Now What Do We Do Wif It?]] -\\ - [[entry10|Entry 10: The Black Knight and the Confused Devil]] -\\ - [[entry11|Entry 11: Okay... So, No Gating the Gem]] -\\ - [[entry12|Entry 12: The Gods' Eyes are Watching Us]] -\\ - [[entry13|Entry 13: Kaz's New Playmates]] -\\ - [[entry14|Entry 14: Time to Stop Dicking Around]] -\\ - [[entry15|Entry 15: Has Anyone Seen Duchess Parnth?]] -\\ - [[entry16|Entry 16: Chainmail Bikini Acquired]] -\\ - [[entry17|Entry 17: Gigantic Cathedral of Descending Doom]] -\\ - [[entry18|Entry 18: Dragon Poop...? Really...?]] -\\ - [[entry19|Entry 19: Extra-Planar Shenanigans]] -\\ - [[entry20|Entry 20: We Certainly Have Our Work Cut Out For Us]] -\\ - [[entry21|Entry 21: Serendipity and Grave]] -\\ - [[entry22|Entry 22: Nemesis and Kaz]] -\\ - [[entry23|Entry 23: What Happens When 7 Gs Are Aimed Directly at You?]] -\\