====== Character Sheet ====== ===== Attributes ===== ==== Primary ==== ^Mental^^Physical^^Social^^ | Intelligence: | **2** | Strength: | **2** | Presence: | **3** | | Wits: | **2** | Dexterity: | **3** | Manipulation: | **2** | | Resolve: | **2** | Stamina: | **2** | Composure: | **3** | ==== Secondary ==== ^ Initiative | //Dexterity// 3 + //Composure// 3 | **6** | ^ Speed | //Strength// 2 + //Dexterity// 3 + //Size// 5 | **10** | ^ Defense | ([Lowest: //Wits// 2, //Dexterity// 3] = 3) - //Encumbrance// 1 | **2** | ^ Armor | //Armor// 2 + //Spirit// 4 | **6** | ^ Health | ([Highest: //Resolve// 2, //Stamina// 2] = 2) + //Size// 5 + //Eminence// 3 | **10** | ^ Willpower | //Resolve// 2 + //Composure// 3 | **5** | ^ Mana | 2 x ([//Eminence// 3 on MtA-76] = 12) | **24** | ^ Longbow | //Dex// 3 + //Archery// 4 + //Item bonus = Str// 2 + //Archery Merit// 1 | **10** | ^ | //Subtract target's armor, not defense, and any concealment penalties //| | ^ Range | //Str// 2 + // Archery // 4 + //Bow Size// 4 + //Archery Merit// 1 **x2 yards**| **22 **| ^ Penalties | -2 medium range //(23-44 yards)//, -4 long range //(45-88 yards)// | | | Current XP | **0** | Spent XP | **44** | Lifetime XP | **44** | ===== Skills ===== ^ Mental^^Physical^^ Social ^^ | Medicine: | **2** | Archery: (Bow) | **3** | Animal Ken: | **2** | | Occult: | **3** | Athletics: | **3** | Intimidation | **2** | | | | Ride (airship): | **2** | Persuasion: | **2** | | | | Stealth: (Forest) | **2** | | | | | | Survival:(Forest) | **3** | | | ===== Merits ===== * [[farne:protagonists:trent:familiars_character_sheets | Swiftwind]]: Hawk Fetter \\ * [[farne:protagonists:trent:familiars_character_sheets | Willow]]: Tree Fetch \\ * [[farne:rules:combat_styles#archery|Fighting Style: Archery 1 ]]: +1 to Str for bow damage and range \\ * [[farne:rules:combat_styles#archery|Fighting Style: Archery 2 ]]: Can draw arrow as reflexive action \\ * [[farne:rules:combat_styles#archery|Fighting Style: Archery 3 ]]: Double range of all bows Trent uses \\ ===== Magical Traits ===== \\ Emminence: 3 \\ \\ **Arcana (__affinity__):** \\ --__Spirit__ (***** ***** ***** ***** *****)\\ --__Prime__ (***** ***** ***** - -)\\ --Death (***** - - - -)\\ \\ **Manifest Weapon:** Spirit Staff - a translucent, ghostly staff composed of coalescing ectoplasm.\\ \\ **Rotes:**\\ __Control Spirit__: Presence (3) + Intimidation (2) + Spirit (5). Spirit resists; rolls Resistance reflexively. Trent's dominion over spirits has strengthened through repeated contact. Spirit will perform one service for Trent per success. Simple commands like "Flee!" or "Attack!" require 1 service, while more complex commands like "Go to Castle Borgia and steal the Queen's diamond necklace." may require 3 services.\\ \\ __Counterspell__: Composure (3) + Occult (3) + Prime (3). Successes are subtracted from spell's Potency. Spells with Potency <= 0 have no effect. Can be cast on spells of any arcana, Obvious or not, without Trent needing Mage Sight active.\\ \\ __Greater Spirit Summons__: Presence (3) + Persuasion (2) + Spirit (5). Forces a spirit to come to Trent at fastest speed possible and remain in Trent's presence for the duration of the spell (1 scene). Instand and contested; target rolls Resistance reflexively.\\ \\ __Create Fetish__: Presence (3) + Persuasion (2) + Spirit (5) vs Resistance. Binds a spirit into an object. Examples include binding a fire spirit to a bow to shoot fiery arrows.\\ \\ __Shape Spirit__: Intelligence (2) + Occult (3) + Spirit (5) vs Resistance (if contested). Creates or alters a spirit. \\ \\ ^ Nimbus Resonance ^ Effect ^ | 1-2 | Trent smells faintly of pine | | 3-4 | Voice softens and sounds like rustling leaves | | 5-6 | Trees within (Nimbus) yards of Trent sway, blossom, or stretch toward him | | 7-8 | "Motes" of lesser forest spirits swirl about Trent; babbling, weeping, singing | | 9-10 | Forest Spirit Form - all the above traits, plus ghostly Cedar superimposed over his form | ===== Alignment: ===== True Neutral