The Madrigal keep welcomed our arrival with a lavish feast. Dinner was interrupted by a carrier spirit with a message for Philip. I sought to bind the spirit to my side and learn its message, but could not successfully do so under the close scrutiny of Philip's regent, Poul Villier.\\ \\ We awoke that morning to learn that our arrival had again altered the future. Boyce prophesied the attackers would delay their assault upon Hilda for over a week. The morning court brought elemental water miners that reported attacks upon their operations. We chose to stay and keep our watch on Hilda, although Swiftwind volunteered to follow the miners to learn if the attacks were caused by spirits. \\ \\ The morning also brought the arrival of a traveling carnival. The others feared they would be a threat, so made necessary precautions. I watched from the crowd and thoroughly enjoyed the show. The night passed uneventfully.\\ \\ The next morning, Boyce again prophesied that the attack would occur as soon as we left Hilda's side. Tiring of this charade, we faked our departure so as to force the kidnappers' hands. Grey created a hidden room in Hilda's bedroom. We left with much fanfare, then had Boyce open a spatial portal back to the hidden room. Cassie posed as Hilda while Willow watched from Twilight and the rest of us hid in wait. \\ \\ The dark elves attacked that night, climbing through the bedroom window. We dispatched them with ease. They gave us the name of their employer, Braithe. We left for Endelbar to confront Braithe, possibly posing as the elves. \\ \\ We met an angry wyvern upon our journey. It sought to destroy us but failed. I set upon it the desert spirits of dessication. Between them, Boyce's martial excellence, Cassie's mental bolts, and Grey's enhancement of my arrows, we felled the beast with minor injury. \\