We decided it might be a fun idea to bother [[jaeger:jacob:jacob_lightfoot|Jake]] a lot since he was being such an anti-social butt lately. Well anyway, we needed his computer-hax0ring skills to get us going in some direction or other with this [[nwod:fairies:Snow Fairy]] business. After several calls over several days, a bit of arguing and snarky exchanges, we were able to get Jake to backup the old, correct wiki, put up a new wiki with a bunch of fake information (apparently [[jaeger:jacob:jacob_lightfoot|Jake]] was trying to get back at me by putting me as screwing everyone else listed on the wiki), and give us some information about who has been accessing the wiki from suspicious locations or accounts with addresses. While all this was going on, we were trying to get in touch with as many of the changelings left of the shattered courts (or independents) who could be contacted to warn them that the [[nwod:fairies:Snow Fairy]] was actively trying to take them and that she had the cops at a minimum in her back pocket. We also got ahold of [[nwod:changelings:Jae Kwon]] to try and dig us up some info about the weaknesses of True Fey, and in particular the [[nwod:fairies:Snow Fairy]], if he could find anything at all and/or give us some leads. Further, apparently [[jaeger:holden:holden_banks|Holden]] went clubbing and scared the bejeezus out of 3 new FotH changelings so bad that only one of them was willing to meet with him later. I came with him (and the others hung out nearby) to meet this kid in order to set him straight. After talking with him for a few minutes, we got ahold of [[nwod:changelings:Kevin Fourpaws|Kevin]] and had him come pick the kid up in order to put him more at ease and get him all indoctrinated and stuff. Later, [[jaeger:jacob:jacob_lightfoot|Jake]] reported back to us with five suspicious accesses to the wiki: - **Darius King** in the rich part of town - **[[nwod:locations:Transcendental Enterprises]]** - A vague location of "somewhere on this road" (oooh, suspicious!) - Some residential address in a middle class neighborhood - Some other residential address in a middle class neighborhood We called up [[nwod:changelings:Nehemiah Rumples|Nehemiah]] and asked him if he knew [[nwod:mages:Darius King]] or [[nwod:locations:transcendental enterprises|Transcendental]]. He said he knows [[nwod:mages:Darius King]] and that he would take care of it and for us to not mess with this one (paraphrase). He didn't know anything about [[nwod:locations:transcendental enterprises|Transcendental Ent]], though. The first residential addresses turned out to be -- an asian changeling by the name of **[[nwod:changelings:Peter Yao]]** (??) who was an independent and seemed pretty genuine. The second residential address was some cute gothy emo girl named **[[nwod:humans:Indigo Banks]]**, who was part of a pretty average family who apparently thought this was some cool occult site. How she managed to get into the password-protected section I'll never know, but I need to be sure to harrass [[jaeger:jacob:jacob_lightfoot|Jake]] about his flimsy security. The vague street location -- now that was the interesting find. It was in an industrial section of town, a complex of 3 fenced in buildings owned by some company called "[[nwod:locations:Maximum Enterprises]]", and looked to be abandoned. It was quite falling into disrepair. Anyway, we snuck in and discovered an opened hedge gate in one of the buildings with some internets and/or phone cables passing through it into the hedge. We trekked up the hedge for a while only to discover the wires lead to Fairy, presumably the [[nwod:fairies:Snow Fairy]]'s area based on the temperature and familiar foliage. We were attacked on our way back by a swarm of yucky roach bugs but managed to escape them back into reality (while taking out a few along the way). In the end, we decided to leave the door open and the wires untouched so that we could start sending the [[nwod:fairies:Snow Fairy]] false information and not yet clue her in to the fact that we've figured out part of her scheme. From here, we bugged Jake to hack the network interfaces leading into the hedge here while would look a bit deeper into [[nwod:locations:transcendental enterprises|Transcendental Ent]]. (And I had a plan to go pester [[jaeger:jacob:jacob_lightfoot|Jake]] in person in order to have him show me the ups and downs of computers so we wouldn't have to keep interrupting his raids all the time *eyeroll*)