After their capture, Tim lost track of the rest of his companions. While they had been "distributed" amongst others of the Fae, the Huntsman kept Tim for himself. The young man had made an impression on the him. Tim was the first to wound any of his pets, catching one of them with a well thrown bowie knife, despite the speed with which it moved. And then even though he was outclassed, Tim bravely fought the Huntsman's wolves with almost reckless abandon. Yet at the same time he played it smart. Instead of trading blows with the wolves' wicked teeth and claws, an undoubtedly losing endeavor, Tim closed in, tying up their natural weapons and holding them at bay while his companions got in the lethal blows to finish the creatures off. There was a fire in Tim's eyes, born of out of anger and hatred, focused not only at the creatures that had been dogging him and his companions, but at the world itself for somehow trapping them in this living nightmare. Even after they had been surrouned by the Huntsman and his menagerie, Tim stared at him with utter contempt, the young man's eyes seemingly burning through him like lasers. The Huntsman could tell he was hoping beyond hope that they would, that he could kill his captor with a simple glare if he put enough hate and anger behind it. The Huntsman saw potential in the young man and needing replacements for his slain animals, took him. Tim was thrown in a cage like the animal he was to become. Tim was unsure how long he was kept like that. Minutes turned to hours turned to days. Hunger and madness began to slowly overtake him. He tried using his anger and hatred of the Huntsman to keep him focused on maintaining his sanity, but soon even that wasn't enough. Surely he would've died of starvation and exposure by now, he thought, but death never came. Soon, the hunger pangs became unbearable. That's when the Huntsman's minions dropped the fresh remains of a small dead animal in the cage with him. Disgusted, Tim threw it back, even his extreme hunger wasn't enough to make him eat //that//. After what seemed a lifetime later, the hunger pangs becoming impossibly worse, they threw another carcass in, telling him it was the only food he was going to get. Tim tried to resist as long as he could, but eventually, his basest instincts won out and he ravenously tore into the raw meat, satiating the hunger that seemed to be growing in him for days. Once he was satisfied, he collapsed in a heap. A few minutes later, he was wracked with stomach cramps, and then his entire body burned with pain as he began changing into a creature not quite animal, but no longer man. His conscious mind seemed to slowly flit away, replaced with just the simplest animal urges. Then, the cage door was opened and the creature that used to be a young man known as Tim Dodd ran. He thought he was running free, not knowing the magic of the place he and his companions found themselves trapped him was actually forcing him along a particular path, one that ended in a clearing. As the Tim creature approached the clearing he could hear sobs and whimpering. The source of the cries soon became clear, at the far end lay a girl, her clothes in tatters, numerous cuts and bruises all over her body, her hair matted with blood and mud. The Tim creature approached her cautiously, but caution turned to fear when he sensed they were surrounded. He could hear and smell the Huntsman's wolves all around, saw their evil eyes glowing in the darkness just beyond the trees surrounding the clearing. Then Tim saw him at the edge of the clearing- the Huntsman. Seeing him helped Tim regain a bit of self awareness. Tim stared at the Huntsman cautiously, rearing up as if ready to pounce upon his most hated enemy. But he didn't, for the Huntsman had his bow drawn, and the Tim creature knew he could not hope to take even a step before the Huntsman felled him if he tried attacking. "Finish her!" the Huntsman commanded. Tim growled in defiance, continuing to eye the Huntsman with utter contempt. "Very well, then!" the Huntsman said, putting up his bow and turning his back to Tim. Thinking this was his chance, Tim quickly charged towards him, intending to rip out the Huntsman's throat. As quickly as he moved, the wolves surrounding the area were quicker, and he was tackled in a mess of fangs and fur. They held him down, the girl watching the scene in confusion and horror. The Huntsman looked at the animal that was once a man disdainfully. "You are mine, and you will follow my commands or you will be punished." Tim snarled in reply. "I have a feeling any punishments visited upon you will not be motivation enough. But I think I know what //will// get to you." He motioned his pets towards the girl. Tim and the girl screamed and unison. Tim was forced to watch the wolves ravage her, mounting her like one of their bitches until each had had their turn before finally snuffing her life out by ripping out her throat and feasting upon her remains. Tim was beyond horrified. He had been struggling to keep the last vestiges of his humanity from slipping away, but with this, his mind finally retreated deep within him, replaced with an angry beast. "Until you learn obedience, the 'lessons' will continue. Do you understand?" the Huntsman asked. The Huntsman could still see defiance in his new pet's eyes, but yet he commanded his other pets to release him. Tim locked eyes with his supposed master. He didn't care anymore what happened to him and charged the Huntsman. The leader of the pack rushed into him, knocking him to the ground. The two began to wrestle, clawing and nipping at each other. the other wolves motioned to attack, but the leader warned them off. He was going to kill Tim personally. His arrogance proved to be his downfall. Tim eventually got the upper hand. His claws blinded the leader. As it howled in agony, Tim got past its lowered defenses, tearing into his chest and ripping out his heart. Tim howled in victory, but it was short lived. An arrow slammed into his side. As hey lay there, his body burning in agonizing pain, the Huntsman approached. Tim could do nothing other than lie there in pain as the Huntsman looked down at him. "Very good. Now if only we could channel that anger and determination of yours properly." Then he slammed his boot into Tim's head, his last words ringing through the once human man's ears as he slipped into unconciousness. Tim awoke in the cage some time later. His mind was back to being more human than beast. Tim's body ached, but his wounds from the fight with the pack leader and the Huntsman's arrow seemed to be healed. He wasn't sure how long he was out. He did notice his cage door was opened. Once again, he followed the path from the cage to the clearing. Again, he was faced with the same situation, the Huntsman ordering a poor girl's death. This time however, Tim charged her, quickly ending her life. She was already dead anyways, but this way he could make sure she died fast, before she had to suffer at the hands of the Huntman's pack of wolves. When he was done, Tim looked at the Huntsman, the defiance still in his eyes as the girl's blood stained his claws and teeth. Tim thought of trying to kill the Huntsman again, but didn't think he would be successful. Even if he could somehow get past the rest of the pack, he didn't think he could take the Huntsman on just yet. He would have to bide his time and wait for the right kind of opportunity. Attacking now would just be a waste of his life, and then who could stop the Huntsman from capturing and hurting others? So, Tim bowed his head in deference, and the Huntsman smiled. He motioned for Tim and the rest of the pack to follow. As a reward for his first kill, Tim was allowed to dine on freshly killed venison. The next time there was a hunt, Tim was at the forefront. Not out of any bloodthirstiness, but to beat out the rest of the pack and grant their victims a swift death. Tim felt little guilt over the lives he began ending. Those poor souls were already dead when they ended up in this place, the Huntsman had already killed them by taking them here. He managed to quickly finish off three out of the five humans who had the misfortune of being their quarry, "saving" them from the grisly deaths that befell the last two. As a reward this time, Tim was taken to the harem. Tim was no virgin, in his former life he had lost it to his sophmore year girlfriend Lainey. He had sex with a couple of girls after they broke up, but sex wasn't something he obsessed about. There was something in the air of the harem though, causing the beast he constantly fought to contain to take over. This time his base animal instinct to procreate took over. The harem girls weren't quite human, but neither was he. In this state, he didn't care what kind of girl he was frakking as long as his animal lust was satiated. He was only partially aware, but that little bit of human mind he had left at the moment suspected they had an audience. The onlookers were taking a perverse pleasure at watching the harem girl taken by a wild beast. And so Tim's life continued on like this. He hunted, and he fed (though never on human flesh) and frakked. His animal instincts were allowed to run further and further free, while the remaining human part of his mind rationalized it, telling him he was just playing a role until that one moment when he could avenge all those killed by the Huntsman. But as time wore on, and his savage side began to take over, he started to forget this goal. He eventually rose to pack leader due to his skill at quickly hunting and killing prey, though he started to forget he was being so efficient in order to spare the victims. The last remnants of that ideal took the form of him angrily barking at any pack members trying to feast on the remains. They reluctantly followed him. No longer was he called Tim though. In his role, he needed no name. The rest of the pack called him "Alpha" in deference though, being the head male. While the Huntsman liked the beast the man known as Tim had become, he was displeased with how he was taking the "fun" out of the hunt. They went by too quickly now. He considered trying to punish the alpha male at first, but figured it would be a lost cause. That spark of defiance in the alpha's eyes never quite left. The Huntsman didn't think he could change his behavior any further. Killing him would be doing Tim a favor, finally releasing him from this existence. So instead the Huntsman chose to simply let him go. That would be as cruel a punishment as any. After one hunt, after the pack leader ran an unfortunate deer hunter pulled into this place down, the Huntsman and the pack just disappeared. The Tim creature ran and ran, looking for his packmates, his hated master. He tried finding his way back "home", but could not. He wandered around aimlessly for what seemed like days. Eventually he ended up somewhere that reminded him of the world he came from. He did not yet know he had left the land of the faerie.