I found myself unexpectedly dropped in the middle of UGA's campus. Naked! And I wasn't alone- Lana, Jake, and Holden appeared with me, also sans clothing. That other place had changed us all and I expected on-lookers to run away in horror. Particularly from drama boy- he seemed to be covered with mirror like scales with what looked like images of screaming people within them. I know he freaked me out. But everyone around just pointed and giggled. I quickly ran for the cover of some nearby bushes, losing track of Jake and Holden. Didn't lose track of Lana though. I think the other side made her insane though. She strutted towards me slowly, yelling in that mongoloid sounding accent of hers that I stole her clothes. Perhaps the shock of returning messed with her memories? There was a silver lining though, I did get to see her in all her glory, and she was pretty hott for a fish girl. I ran off before anyone noticed my "excitement" and ran for my dorm room. I wasn't sure how much time had passed between our capture and now, but that was as good a start as any. After getting someone to let me in (Lana had been following me, continuing to rant and rave and entered along with me), I headed to my room and banged on the door, hoping Quincy was in there to let me in. Nope, instead some big jocko ox answered, asking what I wanted. I tried asking nicely if he could spare some clothes for me and blondie. But he was indignant! So, I stared him down, and he backed off and gave us some clothes. I mean, please, I've literally eaten guys like him for breakfast! As we were walking off, some campus cop stopped us, saying he was responding to some commotion involving naked people. I told him since we were clothed, obviously we weren't the people he was looking for, and he was salting my game with the hottie I had in tow. He wasn't convinced and asked "Jox" if there was any trouble. I flashed the jocko ox a look that conveyed I would rip his and the campus cop's head off if he said anything. So he didn't. As such, the faux-piggy let us go, and Lana and I ran off. The clothes Jox lent us didn't exactly fit, so we snuck into the laundry room and found something better fitting. We were somehow drawn to the campus police station, where Jake and Holden ended up. Apparently Holden was in disguise, and let us know that the people around probably still saw us as human and not as the weird forms we had now. Which made sense. Jake had managed to convince the piggies he was still a student- apparently only five years had passed while we were in the other world. I say "only", because it seemed longer, but at the same time five years is still a long time! And apparently something had taken our places, as Jake called an old friend, who said he saw him just last month! Jake called said friend to pick us up and drop us off at "his house", which he did. Sure enough, the car ride there, the friend was unaware that Jake had ever been gone, and I wondered if all our familes and friends thought the same thing. Apparently, fake Jake lived in a trailer park and was an overweight computer support guy or something. Jake's friend dropped us off near the trailer. It was apparent someone was inside. We chose to wait until they left rather than confront this doppleganger who had taken over Jake's life. The place was a craphole, but had a whole bunch of computer equipment. Jake did some hacking around, getting into his double's bank account. Luckily, Jake and I are about the same shoe size, so I snagged some boots, and rummaged around for some other things. I pocketed a knife and a colt .45 pistol. I often wonder if I had packed my gun when we went on that trip, if things might've turned out differently. Anyways, I also made myself a sandwich while Jake looked us up on the internet to see if he could find anything out about our doubles. Apparently, Lana's double was a whore! Heh, we joked that her name was "Slutlana"! Mine must've caved into my parents as he was an Atlanta cop. And Holden's double is apparently running unopposed in some Mayoral race in Georgia. But the way he talked about it, you'd think he was frickin' President of the whole country. Owel, we figured we needed a place to stay, so Jake used his double's account to have Hertz drop a car off at the trailer, and it arrived within the hour. Jake told the kid who dropped it off to make himself at home as he waited for his ride. We had basically grabbed anything of value from the trailer, as much as we could carry, and drove off. Where to, we weren't sure. Holden wanted to go to a local bar full of drunken frat idiots to trick them out of their money, since we needed some. That sounded like a good plan as any. What we found at the bar changed things. There was a big-ass rock man there, apparently waiting for us. Jake wanted to bolt, but Holden thought we should talk it out. The Obsidian man introduced himself as Wallace Bolger. He babbled about "courts"- organizations of people like us, and that he'd be able to help us re-adjust. He invited us to Atlanta, saying the answers and help we needed would be there. I took him up on it, and while we were there, I could check on this thing living my life.