So, Holden rode with [[nwod:changelings::Wallace Bolger]] while Jake, Lana, and I followed them in the rental to Atlanta. We ended up at this club called [[nwod:locations:Glamour Shots]]. Rocky took us to some back room. The club had some sort of heavy metal or thrash music going on, we could feel it reverberating through the walls. Anyways, we met with [[nwod:changelings:Violet Busby]], princess of the Summer court, soon to be queen when power transitions to her with the seasonal change apparently. She's kinda cute with her golden hair, despite the freaky buginess of her arms, her bug like wings, and big bug eyes. Anyways, she let us know what we were, and how there were probably upwards of 100,000 of us in the world, maybe around 100 of us in the greater Atlanta area. Apparently, there have been others who have escaped that other place and she represented one faction (The [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]]) of an organization of our kind, having banded together to protect each other from things like that foul Huntsman. Now we didn't have to hook up with them, but it would be in our best interests, as there is safety in numbers. Apparently they knew when we showed up on campus, and sent out agents to find us before harm befell us- apparently things like the Huntsman often send things out of that other place to take people like us back, and then there are crazy humans who think we're monsters (and I guess some of us look like monsters) and try to hunt us. Apparently her faction's philosophy's attitude is that we need to fight all threats, and I can respect that. So I was already to sign up. But the other factions also wanted to meet with us as well, and after talking with Violet, we were taken to a private room with food and the other representatives. Our host was this cat dude named [[nwod:changelings:Kevin Fourpaws]], who apparently owned the establishment. He actually didn't to belong any of the factions, though he was once a member of the [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]]. Speaking of the Spring Court, with it being Spring, they were the ones in power, and their ruler was [[nwod:changelings:Sylvan Roberts]], a wood elf looking dude. His emissary was this cute Asian girl named [[nwod:changelings:Chrysanthemum Lee]], though she asked us to call her Chrissy. She seemed kinda klutzy, and a had a flower growing out of her head. Apparently the Spring Court think its inevitable that we'll be dragged back to that other place. So, we should just enjoy life while we can. While it seems like it may be a somewhat fun philosophy, on the other hand, it also seems like giving up. The [[nwod:organizations:Autumn Court]] was ruled by this little gnome looking fella named [[nwod:changelings:Nehemiah Rumples]]. His emissary was some dude named [[nwod:changelings:Massimo Sombra]], who Lana found really handsome. It was amusing to see her keep her distance from him. Jake thought she was shy, but I could tell she was worried she was gonna pull a "slutlana" and hook up with him. I don't see what the big deal is, after all we've been through, there's nothing wrong with getting your rocks off I think. Anyways, not sure what the Autumn folks were about. Something about using our gifts? The princess of the [[nwod:organizations:Winter Court]] was this white haired beauty named [[nwod:changelings:Jennifer Brisk]]. Her emissary was this Panther headed dude named [[nwod:changelings:Ahriman Khan]]. He seemed like a cool cat. (Ha!) And Jennifer, despite her literal coldness, was pretty hot. Though my attempt to complement her went over her head. She and her people are all about hiding. I dunno, I don't think I could spend my whole life hiding, I say, there comes a time when you need to fight back. Actor boy seemed to agree with their philosophy, but I'm not sure how one can hide that massive ego of his. We hobknobbed with everyone, Lana talking with Kevin before napping in the corner, none of the courts really appealing to her, and I think Jake was with me in thinking the Summer court was where its at. Holden seemed to be leaning towards the Winter court telling them how he's so perfect for them. Chrissy took us to a hotel where the courts were gonna put us up, and I started putting the moves on her in the limo, and while she was kinda receptive, I ended up going to the room (which the courts paid for, so that's cool) alone. Cocktease! Owel, since it was on their card, ordered up some pay per view and a hearty breakfast before we headed back to Glamour Shots, where Kevin showed us what we all could do and notes for surviving and living with our abilities and wot-not. That night his club was doing some Goth theme. Jake wanted to started some trouble with the goth geeks, so he told me to bump one of them. Hell, I was bored, so I did, some annoying kid who looked like he was trying to win some Crow lookalike contest. Jake gets into his face, and Crow boy takes a swing at Jake, missing. So I rush him, trying to take him down, but he managed to get out of my first throw. The Crow's gothy friend started trying some stuff too. I tossed Crow boy to the floor and his friend accidentally clocked him. I tussled with Crow boy a little more, before he finally tapped out to the hammerlock I had him in. Meanwhile, Jake sent the other goth loser sprawling. All in all, we did get a rush from the emotion we harvested from the fight. Jake offered the crying loser his hand, pulling him up and taking him over to the bar for a real drink and to "Man Up" instead of being a whiny loser. Jake even tried to get Gothy to hit on some hottie, but he proved socially inept. The girl he asked out saw what went down, and tried slapping Jake in the face (missing and hitting him ineffectually in the chest instead) for being a "Big meanie". Owel, Lana didn't seem to be too pleased with our shinnanegans, and so I felt a little bad afterwards. After a while, Kevin took us to the back room to meet with Sylvan. Apparently, we were gonna have to sing for our supper, even though we were fresh out of the hedge. Turns out some of our kind have been disappearing, suspected to have been grabbed by "Privateers", others of our kind serving the true Fae, as they're called. Since we were new, no one knows who we are, and thus might be in a better position to find these guys, so the Spring King asked if we would help. Fine with me, I'd like to rip these sycophants faces off.