===== Azukari Hina ===== {{ nwod:changelings:ebihara_yuri01.jpg?190|Azukari Hina, Mask}} **Name:** Azukari Hina (預雛)\\ **Gender:** Female\\ **Married To:** [[nwod:changelings:William Walker]]\\ **Mask** * **Age:** 26\\ * **Height:** 5'4"\\ * **Weight:** 115lbs\\ * **Hair:** Brown\\ * **Eyes:** Unknown\\ * **Appearance:** Japanese, wears a cloth covering her eyes\\ **Mein**\\ {{ nwod:changelings:ebihara_yuri04.jpg?190|Azukari Hina}} * **Age:** Indeterminate\\ * **Height:** 5'4"\\ * **Weight:** 115lbs\\ * **Hair:** Brown\\ * **Eyes:** Unknown\\ * **Appearance:** Blindfold is an extremely decorative hedge raiment. Her hair is like tendrils of darkness.\\ **Seeming:** [[nwod:changeling:seemings#wizened|Wizened]]\\ **Kith:** Oracle\\ **Court:** [[nwod:organizations:autumn_court|Autumn]]\\ **Occupation:** Prophet, stay-at-home wife\\ Azukari Hina is the prophetess of the Atlanta Freehold. She was discovered by a member of the [[nwod:organizations:Winter Court]] a few years ago, newly escaped from the Hedge, covered in blood and scratches, and naked except for a ragged blindfold covering her eyes. He quickly called up the head of his Court, the Queen of Winter, to come and get her. She was transported to a court meeting, an interpreter was fetched, and due to her abject refusal to remove her blindfold, it was determined that she was going to need a good bit more assistance than the usual riffraff that falls out of the Hedge. A few days later Queen Winter requested a favor of the 2nd year [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]] member, [[nwod:changelings:William Walker]], to take on the task of caring for the needs of Hina while she re-adjusted to her new surroundings and get her in a position, such that he could, to become self-sufficient. [[nwod:changelings:William Walker|William]] graciously accepted this task from Queen Winter, and so Hina was moved into his small apartment in midtown Atlanta. He spent his spare time taking care of the blind Hina, helping her learn English and to become more able to do stuff on her own such that she could, being blind and all. As the story usually goes, one thing led to another, they became close, fell in love, and eventually got married. They now live in a small house together in midtown Atlanta. As it turns out, Hina is an incredibly powerful Oracle, far more so than other members of her Kith. Even the eldest members of the Atlanta Freehold have never seen one with stronger, clearer and more frequent visions than her in their lifetimes. Much speculation abounds that she willingly and permanently gave up her eyesight to be able to part the veil of fate more easily, more completely and more frequently than her kith-comrades. No one has ever seen her eyes, not even her husband, and she never EVER speaks of her time in Faerie to anyone. No one is sure if she is actually blind or if she simply keeps her eyes covered as a sanction for a pledge or some other mysterious reason relating to her powerful abilities. Hina is a very kind individual, very formal but extremely cognizant of other peoples' feelings. But this doesn't stop her for charging a hefty fee to those who seek out her abilities and can afford it. She speaks very clear and concise English thanks to her incredibly skilled husband, although still retains her native Japanese, using it whenever she can. She joined the [[nwod:organizations:Autumn Court]] a few months after she was married, and performs free readings for the Atlanta Freehold to predict new emergants from the Hedge. Mostly, Hina stays at home except when her husband takes her out (when he is not working) or the courts require her presence for something. She doesn't have many close friends, but both [[nwod:changelings:Chrysanthemum Lee]] and [[nwod:changelings:Janeka Van Gogh]] have been known to visit her with kids in tow when they have the time. At home, Hina tends a small spice garden in the tiny side yard that she and [[nwod:changelings:William Walker|William]] have attached to their house. She also has a pet fox named Lulu, and two rabbits, Shiro and Kuro.