{{ nwod:changelings:yellow_chrysanthemum01.jpg?150|Yellow Chrysanthemum}}{{ nwod:changelings:zhao_wei01.jpg?200|Chrysanthemum Lee}} **Name:** Chrysanthemum Lee\\ **Gender:** Female\\ \\ **Mask** * **Age:** 32\\ * **Height:** 5'4"\\ * **Weight:** 120 lbs\\ * **Hair:** Black\\ * **Eyes:** Brown\\ **Mein** {{ nwod:changelings:zhao_wei04.jpg?150|Chrysanthemum Lee}}{{ nwod:changelings:zhao_wei02.jpg?150|Chrysanthemum Lee}} * **Age:** Indeterminate\\ * **Height:** 5'4""\\ * **Weight:** 120lbs\\ * **Hair:** Black\\ * **Eyes:** Brown\\ * **Appearance:** Like her Mask, with whiter skin, elongated fingers and ears, with yellow chrysanthemum petals threaded through her hair, with a large yellow chrysanthemum growing behind her right ear\\ **Seeming:** [[nwod:changeling:seemings#fairest|Fairest]]\\ **Kith:** Flowering\\ **Court:** [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court|Spring]]\\ **Role:** [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]] Emissary\\ Chrysanthemum Lee, soccer mom extraordinaire. After returning from her stint in Faerie, Chrysanthemum refused to shed her human desires from her new fey self. Like the [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]] that she joined, she wanted to live for herself and the things she'd always wanted in life, even before Faerie, refusing to give it up just because of her captivity. She has been married for many years now since returning from Faerie, to a human Chinese man who immigrated to America to join an IT company in the Atlanta area. They even have a child. Many of her changeling kin whisper about her fraternizing so closely with a human, vaguely frowning upon this attempt of hers to return to her human self, although none will admit it to her face. The [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]], however, tends to not take this type of thing quite as seriously as the other courts, since they're pretty much cool with anything, but it's still fun to gossip about. Despite all of this drama, Chrysanthemum is a kind and gentle soul who would never say anything bad about anyone to anyone else, even though she carries the role of [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]] Emissary, 2nd in command of the most gossipy nest of hens (and roosters) among the Atlanta changelings. She is a role model to all, and a personality to aspire to, surely. She is the type of person that no one can ever say anything bad about, who likes everyone around her, no matter how unworthy, with 100% of her passion. She has always been very close to [[nwod:changelings:Sylvan Roberts]] since she appeared from Faerie, and he is perhaps the only one who truly understands and respects her choices since returning from her captivity. This does not mean that people find her position as the [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]] Emissary to be favoritism on [[nwod:changelings:Sylvan Roberts|Sylvan]]'s part, nor that they think she is inappropriate for the role. Anyone in the same room with her can tell that she earned the position solely on her own merit. As the emissary, she tries to balance out the more crazy aspects of her court, as she recognizes that they tend to get a little bit more wild about things than the others. However, she never patronizes them for doing what they truly want, even if it's not particularly to her taste (which much of the [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]] goings on aren't).