{{ nwod:kimi_raikkonen01.jpg?150|hello, I'm hot eurotrash :D}} **Name:** Ilya Novosi\\ **Gender:** Male\\ **Apparent Age:** 28\\ **Actual Age:** ??\\ **Height:** 6'0"\\ **Weight:** 175lbs\\ **Hair:** Blond\\ **Eyes:** Blue\\ **Occupation:** Construction Foreman at [[nwod:locations:Timberline Industries]]\\ **Seeming:** [[nwod:changeling:seemings#fairest|Fairest]]\\ **Kith:** Bright One\\ **Court:** [[nwod:organizations:spring_court|Spring]]\\ Ilya is [[jaeger:svetlana:Svetlana Novosi]]'s twin brother. Before he was kidnapped by the Fey, he was a loner, doing whatever for money that was convenient at the time, mostly odd jobs. At night he would hang out at clubs and bars to make plays on women, having more than his fair share of one night stands. {{ nwod:kimi_raikkonen04.jpg?200|I do have some muscles too}}{{ nwod:kimi_raikkonen06.jpg?200|All dressed up}} When Ilya was 20, he was kidnapped the Fey, a different Fey than his sister, during one of his usual one-night-stands, and was promptly thrown into that Fey's harem. While Ilya was in Faerie, his fetch was busy becoming the son his parents had always wanted, not the lazy slacker that Ilya had been. After he escaped from the Fey, he knew he couldn't return to his old life in Moscow, but he was somehow drawn to the Atlanta area, there was something familiar there he couldn't quite remember. When he arrived, he joined the [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]], and got a job at a construction company called [[nwod:locations:Timberline Industries]] as a construction worker. He moved quickly up in the ranks due to his impressive social and leadership (and bullshitting) skills, and is now currently a building construction foreman. The latest project he has worked on (along with several other teams), was the Atlanta Financial Center, a large sky scraper in the Buckhead area of Atlanta, designed by his now good friend, the Lead Timberline Architect, [[nwod:humans:Niko Nieminen]]. The project was completed 4 months ago, and he is now the primary contact for any "issues" that arise that the new occupant notices. Lately, amongst the changeling social circles, he has been seen hanging out with the lovely [[nwod:changelings:sabina_chaya|Sabina]], of the [[nwod:organizations:Winter Court]]. It seems that the Prince of Autumn, [[nwod:changelings:Nehemiah Rumples]], has been tasking them to perform some service as a personal favor to him.