===== Janeka Van Gogh ===== {{ nwod:changelings:gabrielle_union04.jpg?150|Janeka}} **Name:** Janeka Van Gogh\\ **Gender:** Female\\ \\ **Mask** * **Age:** 32\\ * **Height:** 5'5"\\ * **Weight:** 140lbs\\ * **Hair:** Black with red/blond highlights\\ * **Eyes:** Brown\\ * **Complexion:** Dark Brown\\ **Mein** {{ nwod:changelings:gabrielle_union02.jpg?150|Janeka attending a court meeting}} * **Age:** Indeterminate\\ * **Height:** 5'5"\\ * **Weight:** 150lbs\\ * **Hair:** Black with multicolor splotches\\ * **Eyes:** Brown\\ * **Complexion:** Dark Brown with multicolored splotches\\ **Seeming:** [[nwod:changeling:seemings#wizened|Wizened]]\\ **Kith:** Artists\\ **Court:** [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court|Summer]]\\ **Occupation:** Part-time nanny to a rich family in Alpharetta\\ Ever since she was small, Janeka had a gift, a VERY exceptional talent, for coloring, painting, and drawing things she saw and things she imagined. For this reason she was spirited away by the Fey and forced to paint and draw to entertain them day and night, for what seemed like an eternity. The mockery and humiliation she had to suffer at the hands of the Gentry, whether deserved by human standards or no, has made her very very bitter toward her captors. When she escaped, she swore she would die before returning to that nightmare or allowing them to take any other young 'uns, if it were in her power to prevent it. One of the things that has saddened her most about her fate is her loss of ability to have children. She has always been good with kids, and very much enjoys being around them. She had even dreamt from a very young age of the time when she would be able to have children of her own. Because this ability was stolen from her by her captors, she has decided that instead, she would take a day job as a nanny to a rich family in the Alpharetta area. Despite being a very devoted member of the [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]], Janeka is actually a very kind and caring individual, with absolutely no combat capabilities. She has a good sense of humor and will do anything asked of her, hands down, as long as it's within her power to do so. She donates to charities regularly and helps out at the battered women's shelter once a month. She lives in a loft apartment in the Glendridge region of Atlanta, and spends many of her evenings painting and drawing to her whim and fancy. She sells much of her work online under the alias of Jess Haynes. She also collects dolls of all kinds, a hobby that gets expensive very quickly. All court meetings she attends with great pleasure, as she loves meeting new and interesting people.