{{ nwod:changelings:harrison_ford01.jpg?150|Sylvan, out on an adventure}}{{ nwod:changelings:harrison_ford02.jpg?150|Sylvan, Dressed up}} \\ \\ Current Status: **Deceased**\\ \\ \\ **Name:** Sylvan Roberts\\ **Gender:** Male\\ \\ **Mask** * **Age:** 45\\ * **Height:** 5'9"\\ * **Weight:** 145 lbs\\ * **Hair:** Brown\\ * **Eyes:** Green\\ * **Appearance:** Rugged\\ **Mein** * **Age:** Indeterminate\\ * **Height:** 5'5"\\ * **Weight:** 125lbs\\ * **Hair:** Brown\\ * **Eyes:** Leaf Green\\ * **Appearance:** Skin made of bark, eyes the color of leaves in the summer time, elongated pointy ears\\ {{ nwod:changelings:harrison_ford04.jpg?100|About to head to the Amazon for an adventure!}}{{ nwod:changelings:harrison_ford03.jpg?150|I am seriously displeased}} **Seeming:** [[nwod:changeling:seemings#elementals|Elementals]]\\ **Kith:** Woodblood\\ **Court:** [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court|Spring]]\\ **Role:** [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]] Prince\\ Sylvan, the [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]] Prince, is an adventurer at heart. Not so much in the Hedge, but the wilds of South America, the plains and deserts of Africa, and the ruins and jungles of India. He is often out of town on an adventure somewhere, learning about the local rustic cultures and taking photographs of the beauty of the world he encounters. There is so much in the wilds of the Earth that is amazing to see and experience, and Sylvan doesn't want to miss a minute of it. This is not to say that he shirks his duties as the [[nwod:organizations:Spring Court]] Prince, however. No, he takes his role very seriously and would never miss an engagement for all the tree frogs in South America. He is very amicable and is always eager to tell of his adventures. In fact, many of the stories he tells are so strange and unusual, that his changeling kin largely think they couldn't possibly be real. But who knows, sometimes the strangest things are fact, not fiction. Sylvan rules his court with a delicate and friendly hand, engaging his courtiers as often as possible, organizing many social events, and even encouraging junior members to participate in as many extracurricular activities as possible, whether he organizes them or not. In fact, there is not a soul in the changeling brotherhood of Atlanta who doesn't like Sylvan, even the stuff-shirted [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]] denizens, and the cold and unfriendly [[nwod:changelings:Ahriman Khan]].