{{ nwod:dennisjames01.jpg?300|Wallace Bolger}} **Name:** Wallace Bolger\\ **Gender:** Male\\ **Voice:** [[wp>James_Earl_Jones|James Earl Jones]]\\ \\ **Mask** * **Age:** 31\\ * **Height:** 6'6"\\ * **Weight:** 340lbs\\ * **Hair:** None\\ * **Eyes:** Brown\\ * **Complexion:** Dark Brown\\ **Mein** * **Age:** Indeterminate\\ * **Height:** 6'6"\\ * **Weight:** 340lbs\\ * **Hair:** None\\ * **Eyes:** Brown\\ * **Complexion:** Made of black obsidian\\ **Seeming:** [[nwod:changeling:seemings#ogres|Ogres]]\\ **Kith:** Stonebones\\ **Court:** [[nwod:organizations:summer_court|Summer]]\\ **Court Rank:** [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]] Emissary\\ **Occupation:** EE Professor at Georgia Tech\\ Despite the fact that he looks like nothing more than a brainless wall of muscle, Wallace is actually a nice, intelligent Engineer. He is a tenured professor of Electrical Engineering at [[nwod:locations:Georgia Tech]]. He is strict, but fair, and can occasionally be swayed by a student whom he considers particularly needy, with a pretty good sob story at least. Within changeling society, he is the Emissary of the [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]]. He represents both the fighting aspect of the [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]] philosophy as well as the strategical aspect. It's pretty obvious that in his spare time Wallace is often found in his home gym working out. He also enjoys helping out the junior members of changeling society, even if they are not part of the [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]] to which he belongs. He can often be found at [[nwod:locations:Glamour Shots]] keeping an eye on the younger crowd. Occasionally he acts as a bouncer for [[nwod:changelings:Kevin Fourpaws]] if things get a little too out of hand, as they occasionally do, with changelings trying encite strong emotions in order to harvest glamour.