===== William Walker ===== {{ nwod:changelings:anb02.jpg?200|William Walker}} **Name:** William Walker\\ **Gender:** Male\\ **Married To:** [[nwod:changelings:Azukari Hina]]\\ **Mask** * **Age:** 28\\ * **Height:** 6'2"\\ * **Weight:** 190lbs\\ * **Hair:** Black\\ * **Eyes:** Brown\\ {{ nwod:changelings:anb01.jpg?200|William Walker, don't fuck with him}} **Mein**\\ * **Age:** Indeterminate\\ * **Height:** 6'2"\\ * **Weight:** 190lbs\\ * **Hair:** Black\\ * **Eyes:** Brown\\ * **Appearance:** \\ **Seeming:** [[nwod:changeling:seemings#wizened|Wizened]]\\ **Kith:** Chatelaine\\ **Court:** [[nwod:organizations:summer_court|Summer]]\\ **Occupation:** Full-time paralegal, part-time bouncer\\ With a chip on his shoulder and a fake limp in his step, Billy was a problem child and thug-in-training in the inner city of Atlanta in his human life before the Fey took him. In an ironic twist of fate, the Fey who had him stolen away at the young age of 12 assigned him to be her personal servant and relished the fact that he took extreme offense at this. At first Billy was beside himself with rage at the racism and unfairness of it all. But because he was so young and impressionable at the time, with a surprisingly large amount of intellect repressed behind that pseudo-gangsta exterior, in another unexpected turn of events, over the years of his captivity in Faerie, Billy's mind and view of the life he had known before Faerie began to shift radically. He began to despise himself for what he had been, how he had acted, the selfish and unjustified views he had supported in his own community, in the face of this true "slave-owning" monster who didn't even care about him but for her own amusement. There couldn't have been anything in reality worse than this, but for a few isolated cases of torture. Because that's what this was, senseless torture. He was an entertainer whose life was held by the string of some insane, unfathomable creature, that as soon as she was bored, could snap it instantly, ending his pitiful and pointless existence. Now this, THIS was something to be angry about. After something approximating 10 years in Faerie, he decided he would rather die trying to escape than remain bonded to this witch of a Fey who didn't care in the slightest about his welfare. He refuses to discuss the details of his escape, but either way, he came out transformed, a new and completely different person than that 12 year old sham he had once been. He is now William Walker (don't EVER call him "Billy"), an avid member of [[nwod:organizations:Summer Court]], with extremely proper manners, clear speech, and a deep amount of respect for his fellow brethren who have survived and escaped from the Gentry. He has completely sloughed off his former self and now works as a paralegal during the day, and as a bouncer at a club in midtown Atlanta a few nights of the week. A few years after his escape from Faerie he met [[nwod:changelings:Azukari Hina]], a FotH escapee in need of a significant amount of aid to be re-integrated into the real world. Finally, someone seeking his services who actually *needed* them. As these things tend to go, one thing led to another, and they became close, fell in love, and got married. They now reside in a small house in Virginia Highlands in Atlanta. William is *very* protective of [[nwod:changelings:Azukari Hina|Hina]], and would do pretty much anything for her.