{{ nwod:humans:cillian_murphy02.jpg?150|I'm a CEO, of *course* I dress well}} **Name:** Dorian MacFarland\\ **Gender:** Male (ya rly)\\ **Nationality:** Irish\\ **Age:** 34\\ **Height:** 5'9"\\ **Weight:** 125lbs\\ **Hair:** Black\\ **Eyes:** Blue blue blue\\ **Occupation:** CEO of [[nwod:locations:maximum_enterprises|Maxmimum Enterprises]]\\ **Weapons:** Twin Beretta 93r's Dorian is the CEO of [[nwod:locations:maximum_enterprises|Maxmimum Enterprises]], a company started by [[nwod:wolves:sebastian_krause|Sebastian Krause]] and [[nwod:mages:heidi_fleischmann|Heidi Fleischmann]]'s evil father, [[nwod:mages:max_fleischer|Max Fleischer]], ages ago. Once Max's very naughty fake daughter, Aileen, took over, it became a cover for some very very questionable activities enacted by her and her fourteen servants. Dorian, as it turned out, was one of these people who served her, providing her AI with the vice of Lust (*cough*butreallypride*cough*). {{ nwod:humans:cillian_murphy01.jpg?200|Dorian MacFarland being all hawt}} He was one of the eight people to survive the demise of Aileen in 2000, and the only one of the eight who still remained stubbornly unwilling to give up his servitude. Despite this, [[aileen:catherine_rourke|Catherine Rourke]] went to extreme lengths (much to Dorian's irritation) to ensure that he would be able to step back into his position as CEO of [[nwod:locations:maximum_enterprises|Maxmimum]] after his recovery period. [[aileen:catherine_rourke|Cici]], for better or worse, decided at the last minute to change his memories of her and her comrades so that he wouldn't cause them any trouble later, if he decided to hold a grudge and/or seek revenge. To this day, all Dorian remembers is that he was sent by Aileen for an assault at Atlantic Towers in Miami to bring down one of his colleagues, Gregory, and someone there stopped him by dropping a table on his head, and he went unconscious. When he woke up, he was back in his condo in San Francisco, just like it had been any other day, except distinct lack of Aileen's presence in his mind. He reached back to touch his earpiece, which was no longer there. He looked in the mirror, and it had no scar. Was it all just a dream? In his spare time Dorian is a sharp-shooting champ, and likes to go down to the range to fire his Berettas. He also enjoys getting it on with the hot ladies and guys that he runs into on a day-to-day basis, and taking home whoever suits his fancy at the moment, although few of those ever get called more than once by the rich playboy. He doesn't seem to be looking to settle down any time soon despite his high social status.