{{ nwod:vampires:evandro_soldati02.jpg|Scott Kavanaugh}} **Name:** Scott Kavanaugh\\ **Gender:** Male\\ **Apparent Age:** 30\\ **Height:** 6'1"\\ **Weight:** 180lbs\\ **Hair:** Black\\ **Eyes:** Blue\\ **Voice:** Patrick Warburton (as [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brock_Samson|Brock Samson]])\\ **Clan:** Mehket\\ **Alliegence:** [[nwod:organizations:Invictus]]\\ **Primary Vehicle:** '99 Nismo Skyline, license plate 5kyl1n3\\ Scott Kavanaugh is an independent badass within the Invictus. He is a charismatic gun nut, always willing to throw in some fire power support when it is needed. He has quite a hobby of gun collecting, from small to large, from hand-held to heavy, mounted ones secreted away in his underground bunker. He's got quite a few black market contacts for this expensive and dangerous hobby, mostly in the Russian mob. {{ nwod:vampires:evandro_soldati03.jpg|Scott Kavanaugh}}{{ nwod:vampires:evandro_soldati01.jpg?200|Scott Kavanaugh}} Occasionally he will throw in a strong arm on behalf of [[Tyrell Nichols]], an Archon of the Invictus, as well as [[aileen:Joey Agnozi]], that weird Italian mage guy with a gun-obsession similar to his own and habit of collecting Vampires that the Invictus doesn't like in his basement. He also, from time-to-time, represents the Invictus at various social events as he is fairly gregarious and easy-going. He is often seen hanging out with his close associate in the Invictus, the gorgeous, rather crazy, Marquess [[Persephone Halifax]]. His other main associates outside of the Invictus and business are [[aileen:Catherine Rourke]] and [[nwod:wolves:Sebastian Krause]]. In his spare time, he has been working on building an 85ft deck out back of his house. He has two cats, Andy and Cassie, that enjoy tormenting Persephone, who is not much of a cat person.