===== Telepathy ===== [ [[farne:protagonists:cassie:character_sheet:magic:innate_abilities|Back]] ]\\ Allows the user to communicate mind-to-mind with the target(s). Lasts for a scene by default unless otherwise noted. Note that aggravated damage costs 1 Mana. **Die Pool:** [Eminence] + INT (+ Persuasion)\\ **Pre-Requisite:** None\\ **Default Power Parameters:**\\ - Target Type: By default, base life forms through humanoid only (ants through humans, elves, kobolds, etc) - Range: Sensory at default level - Range: Eminence 3 confers Sympathetic activation for Non-Pattern-Altering usages ==== Mental Guardian ==== ^ Effect ^ [Level] ^ Description ^ ^ Mental Guardian | 1 | You can alter your own emotional projection. At Eminence 2+, this can be used to directly shield your mind from mental attacks. At Eminence 3+, this can be used to shield others from mental attacks. By default, this can be used on creatures of any type, including supernatural/magical. | ^ | +1 | At Eminence 2+, this can be used to directly shield your mind from mental attacks. | ^ | +2 | At Eminence 3+, this can be used to shield others from mental attacks. | \\ \\ \\ ==== Projection ==== ^ Effect ^ [Level] ^ Description ^ | Projection | 2 | You and the target(s) can transfer _projected_ imagery and thoughts. You can communicate with the targets mentally even if your languages differ or the target(s) have no language. This can be used to surreptitiously scan a person's surface thoughts (with a successful MANIP + Stealth - WITS). | | | | Eminence 3 Restriction: At Eminence 4, you can communicate with supernatural/magical creatures (dragons, aliens, etc) | \\ \\ \\ ==== Mental Shout ==== ^ Effect ^ [Level] ^ Description ^ | Mental Shout | 3 | (Instant Action) Mental shout that causes bashing at this level (subtract target's WITS). Damage type increases at higher Eminence: base is Bashing, Eminence 4 for Lethal, Eminence 5 for Aggie. | \\ \\ \\ ==== Clarity of Mind ==== ^ Effect ^ [Level] ^ Description ^ | Clarity of Mind | 4 | Roll Die Pool vs RES+Power Stat, success means you can read the target(s)' memories/sub-surface thoughts. At Eminence 5, you can rewrite those thoughts as you see fit. | | | +1 | Eminence 4 Restriction: At Eminence 4, this can be used to command supernatural/magical creatures. | \\ \\ \\ ==== Mind Control ==== ^ Effect ^ [Level] ^ Description ^ | Mind Control | 5 | Roll vs RES+Power Stat, if succeed, you give commands to the target and they obey (no directly suicidal actions until Eminence 6). | | | +1 | Eminence 5 Restriction: At Eminence 5, this can be used to command supernatural/magical creatures. | \\ \\ \\