====== Mechanics and Rules ====== [ [[scion2:start|Back]] ] ===== The Dice Basics ===== * All dice are d10s * All dice are rolled as a pool * Pools: add Attribute + Skill dots as number of dice to roll * **Target Number**: the number on the die you have to equal or exceed for it to be a success * Default **Target Number** is 8 (this can become lower for higher **Tier** characters) * **Difficulty**: the number of successes you need to overcome a challenge * **Threshold Successes**: extra successes above the **Difficulty** value * **Enhancements** add to successes if you at least equal the **Difficulty** * Spend **Threshold Successes** to overcome **Complications** * Spend **Threshold Successes** on **Stunts** * **Failure**: If your successes total less than or equal to the **Difficulty** of a roll * Upon **Failure**, you will receive a **Consolation** * **Botch**: A special **Failure**. No successes, and at least one 1 on the die * The only **Consolation** you can get from a **Botch** is **Momentum**. * You receive 3 **Momentum** on a **Botch**. * **10-Again**: keep rerolling 10s for added successes until you stop getting 10s * All challenges require at least 1 success * Not all challenges require rolls though ===== Extra Dice Basics ===== * **Contested Rolls**: Roll against opponent, ties go to defender * **Complications**: an unforeseen consequence to overcoming a challenge. buy them off with extra successes. * **Enhancements**: extra successes added to a rolled result from equipment or circumstances * If a player rolls at least one success, they receive bonus successes equal to any applicable **Enhancement** * **Enhancements** should not go above 3 total without good reason * **Enhancements** above 3 should absolutely come with **Drawbacks** * **Drawbacks**: using an **Enhancement** sometimes comes with a drawback. * Getting drunk might ingratiate you to partygoers, but your fine motor control has gone to garbage * **Mixed Actions**: calculate die pool for each action and roll smallest pool. **Successes** are applied to meet **Difficulty** and **Complications** of all involved challenges. * You can fail at one and succeed at another * You can apply **Enhancements** to **Mixed Action** rolls * **Teamwork**: Assisting character rolls their die pool. Successes become **Enhancement** bonus to main roller. * **Scale**: situational and dramatic events that call for bonus successes. Size, Force, Speed, Leadership, etc can contribute to scale bonus successes. * **Momentum**: A resource players can spend (a single pool, shared by all players) to affect the game * Capacity: twice the number of players * Uses: * Activate Knacks * Add dice (per **Momentum** point spent) to a pool for an important roll * Add Interval (additional attempts) at a **Complex Action** ===== Mundane Systems ===== * **Time** * **Turn**: A few seconds to a minute * **Round**: The length of time it takes for all participants to have a turn * **Scene**: As in a movie scene or a book scene; one single, coherent, related sequence of events * **Act (Session)**: A game session * **Episode**: A small story that gives the characters a breather when it finishes * **Arc**: A full storyline from beginning to end * **Season**: A complete and conclusive story driven by some great threat or goal that is resolved with a climax * **Series**: A entire continuity of a game's story. A campaign. * **Distance** * Range Bands * Close: Melee * Short: Reach * Medium: Handguns, Thrown * Long: Rifles, Bows * Extreme: Precision Equipment or Magic * Out of Range: The Horizon, +2 Difficulty ===== Supernatural Systems ===== * **Legendary Title**: A descriptive title which defines the circumstance in which a Scion may invoke a **Feat of Scale**, "Queen of the Assassins" * H p192 * Each **Calling** has a list of associated keywords that can be used to build a character's **Legendary Title** * When invoking the title, the player may spend one **Legend** to increase **Scale** by one for that action as a **Feat of Scale** * When attempting an action covered by a **Calling** keyword that is not in your **Legendary Title**, spend one **Legend** and two **Momentum** to increase **Scale** by one for that action. ===== Consolations ===== * Receive a **Consolation** when you fail a challenge (roll). Here are the types: * **Fateful Encounter**: Failure reveals another approach * **Chance Meeting**: Failure introduces a new character that can help (for a price) * **Unlooked-for Advantage**: Failure results in a level 1 **Enhancement** to a future (different) challenge * **Momentum**: Receive 1 for a failed roll, +1 if the roll used a Specialty, +2 if the roll was a *Botch* ===== Stunts ===== * **Stunts**: can be purchased with **Threshold Successes** after all **Complications** bought off. * Link back to the success of the character's action * Affect a different Skill or Attribute combo than just used * Should be narrated out by player as to how they alter the scene * **Three types of Basic Stunts**: complication stunt, enhancement stunt, difficulty stunt * Complication Stunt: create a complication for adversaries * Enhancement Stunt: Provide an Enhancement you can use for another related action * Difficulty Stunt: increases Difficulty for adversaries in a related response action * **One Type of Special Stunt**: If you've used a **Path** to enhance a roll and have **Threshold Successes** left over * **Twist of Fate**: tell the ST to change the story - The peon's gun runs out of bullets, police suddenly arrive, etc ===== Complex Actions ===== * **Complex Actions**: resolving a challenge that involves lots of separate tasks * **Intervals**: Linked challenges that make up a **Complex Action** * **Milestone**: Gain one when you meet the **Difficulty** of an **Interval** * Once a minimum number of **Milestones** are met, your **Complex Action** is complete/a success * **Milestones** can be awarded w/o rolls if appropriate * If under no time pressure, you can fail as many **Intervals** as you like while slowly accruing **Milestones** * **Teamwork** can be used for **Complex Actions** * Can collaborate on **Intervals**, or * Can have different characters perform different **Intervals** simultaneously (if it makes sense) * Can have opposed **Complex Actions** * Whoever gets to the **Target Number** of **Milestones** first wins, or * Whoever has the most **Milestones** by the **Interval** limit wins ^ Milestones ^ Investigation ^ Race ^ | 2 | An awkward case | A short-distance course | | 3 | A carefully hidden secret weakness | A three-lap chariot race | | 4 | A treasure hunt with four keys | A rough and varied derby | | 5+ | A multilayered conspiracy | An incredible marathon | ===== Difficulty ===== ^ Difficulty Table ^^ Example - Pursuit ^ | 1 | Minor | You escape a pursuer | | 2 | Notable | You evaded a coordinated pursuit from trained cops | | 3 | Significant | You outran a police car on foot | | 4 | Major | You got away from a charge of the Wyld Hunt | | 5 | Extreme | You slipped from the clutches of a vengeful Fury | ===== Complication ===== ^ Complication Table ^^ Example - Negotiation ^ | 1 | Minor | You upset him | | 2 | Notable | He's worked out what you're really after | | 3 | Significant | You owe him one | | 4 | Major | An invisible spy overheard the discucssion | | 5 | Extreme | His seriously pissed at you; watch out | ===== Enhancement ===== ^ Enhancement Table ^^ Example - Melee Attack ^ | 1 | Minor | A finely balanced rapier | | 2 | Notable | An enchanted macuahuitl | | 3 | Significant | A genuine Masamune blade | | 4 | Major | A dagger made from the head of a Gungir | | 5 | Extreme | Excalibur | ===== Drawbacks ===== ^ Drawbacks Table ^ | Add a **Complication** | | Increase the **Difficulty** of another action | | Antagonists get a free **Enhancement** bonus against you | ===== Degree of Success ===== ^ Degree of Success ^^ Example - Generic ^ | 0 | Normal | You succeeded; no more, no less | | 1 | Competent | You showed particular expertise or luck | | 2 | Excellence | You performed admirably; the Gods are smiling | | 3 | Amazing | Your feats leave others in awe | | 4+ | Divine | You'll be talked about for decades at least |