[[srva:bloodmoon|Main]] | [[Character Sheet]] | [[Progression]] | [[Lore]] ---- ====== Character Sheet ====== Sheets: [[Chummer Export 1]] | [[Chummer Export 2]] ===== Attributes ===== ^ //Karma// ^ Career: | 6 ^ Unspent: | 5 | ==== Primary ==== ^ //Physical// ^ Body: | 2 ^ Agility: | 3 ^ Reaction: | 3 (6) ^ Strength: | 2 | ^ //Mental// ^ Willpower: | 5 ^ Logic: | 3 ^ Intuition: | 5 ^ Charisma: | 8 | ^ //Special// ^ Edge: | 3 ^ Essence: | 6 ^ Magic: | 7 ^ Resonance: | - | ^ //Limits// ^ Physical: | 4 ^ Mental: | 6 ^ Social: | 9 (10) | ^ //Initiative// ^ Physical: | 4d6+11 ^ Matrix: | - ^ Astral: | - | ==== Secondary ==== ^ //Athleticism// ^ Lift/Carry: | 66 lbs. / 44 lbs. ^ Walk: | 6 yds. ^ Run: | 24 yds. | ^ //Reputation// ^ Street Cred: | 0 ^ Notoriety: | 0 ^ Public Awareness: | 0 | ^ //Interactions// ^ Composure: | 13 ^ Judge Intentions: | 11 ^ Memory: | 8 | ==== Status ==== | //(penalties)// | -0 | -0 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -2 | -2 | -2 | -3 | -3 | -3 | -4 | -4 | -4 | -5 | -5 | -5 | -6 | -6 | -6 | ^ //Physical// | | | | | | | | | ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ //Mental// | | | | | | | | | | | ^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^ //Overflow// | | ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | //(count)// | //1// | //2// | //3// | //4// | //5// | //6// | //7// | //8// | //9// | //10// | //11// | //12// | //13// | //14// | //15// | //16// | //17// | //18// | //19// | //20// | ===== Qualities ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Rating ^ Notes ^ | **Mentor Spirit** | Positive | 5 KP | Wolf: +2d Combat spells, +2d Tracking skill, Cha+Wil(3) to withdraw | | **Quick Healer** | Positive | 3 KP | +2d on all heal tests by/on character | | **Allergy** | Negative | 20 KP | Silver, Severe: -4d to soak | | **Distinctive Style** | Negative | 5 KP | Pronounced canines, feral ears, hirsute | ===== Skills ===== ==== Active Skills, Ungrouped ==== ^ Skill Name ^ Rating ^ Attribute ^ Modifiers ^ Specializations ^ | Survival | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | | Tracking | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | | Counterspelling | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | | Spellcasting | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | | Sneaking | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | | Survival | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | | Intimidation | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | | Survival | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | | First Aid | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | ==== Knowledge Skills ==== ^ Skill Name ^ Rating ^ Attribute ^ Modifiers ^ Specializations ^ | xxxxx | x | xxx | x | xxxxx | ==== Language Skills (Intuition) ==== ^ Language ^ Rating ^ Modifiers ^ | English | N | n/a | ===== Equipment ===== ==== Armor ==== ^ Name ^ Rating ^ Modifiers ^ Notes ^ | xxxxx | x | xxxxx | xxxxx | ==== Melee Weapons ==== ^ Name ^ Damage ^ Reach ^ Accuracy ^ Armor Piercing ^ Modifiers ^ Notes ^ | Unarmed | [Str] | 0 | [PL] | 0 | 0 | n/a | | xxxxx | x | x | x | x | xxxxx | xxxxx | ==== Other Gear ==== ^ Name ^ Rating ^ Notes ^ | xxxxx | x | xxxxx | ===== Contacts ===== Name, Loyalty, Connection, Favor ===== Identities ===== Lifestyle(s), SIN(s) ===== Adept Powers ===== ===== Spells ===== ===== Assorted Gear =====