====== Chapter 17: Pogostick ====== [ [[srva:helen_bach:reports:chapter16|Chapter 16]] ] [ [[srva:helen_bach:reports:index|Back]] ] [ [[srva:helen_bach:reports:chapter18|Chapter 18]] ] \\ \\ * 3 days later, met with Karsten and elfdragonchick in hotel * Got Paid bitches!!! * Got info too: * Okratus was the horror from New Mexico * Class 3, relatively minor * Active an age and a half ago in Turkey near lake Van * When magic went low, he exploded into a zillion spores and spread all over when magic went low * ... did this to wait out until magic swung high again, to remain semi active * ... and get a jump on the other wreaking havoc before the other Horrors could * Poghos Bolzdag (private individual) paid for the trucks * Born in 2001, making him 73 * Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, is a vampire * 2020s worked at Sofia University, published paper as grad student say that on their dig, * They uncovered a proto-elamite civ with sophisticated structure thing (they found a kaer) * Inside the Kaer, they uncovered references to a city called Parlain (Parlainth in earthdawn), * ...and he spent the rest of his life looking for it * He is now 73 yrs old in Denver * He does not look 73, looks 25-30 ish * There is medical tech that theoretically can make this possible if you're rich * They looked up his pics, found pics of him from Ottoman empire in 1919, 97.2% probability * SIN is not hidden or obfuscated in any way, as kind of a warning * W/in 15 min of the attack on the warehouse * Took a plane out of the Denver airport and disappeared * He is directly tied with Okratus in some way, the physical manifestation or something * We need to go check out his house and get some bio samples to find out who he really is * Seal of Mot is from that same region (Bulgaria/Turkey)