[[srva:tae:index|Main]] | [[Character Sheet]] | [[Progression]] | [[Lore]] ---- ====== Description ====== ^ Handle: | Tae ||||| ^ Birth Name: | ? ||||| ^ Place of Birth: | ? ||||| ^ Metatype: | Elf ^ Sex: | Female ^ Ethnicity: | ? | ^ Birthdate: | ? ^ Age: | ? ^ Apparent Age: | 25 | ^ Height: | ?'?" ^ Weight: | ? lbs. ^ Build: | ? | ^ Notes: | ? ||||| ====== Runner Profile ====== * Why are you a runner? What got you started? ? * What did you do before? ? * What would get you to stop (what are you looking for)? ? * Enemies? ? * Something unique about you that makes you a real person (do you love Opera? Have a BTL problem?) ?