The plot thickened a touch. Once we got our factory nominally humming, we put out some feelers to watch for the Baron's activities. Knowing his potential targets allowed us to monitor for very specific activity that could only be him. Before our net could even pick up the smallest nibble, however, we received an interesting call from our good friend Kreegan. Kreegan had a job for us. We made sure that his enforcer Bow'lurr wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately, they'd parted company. That made the short term goal of meeting with Kreegan easier, but basically released a free, anti-force user agent into the ecosystem. Anyway, we met with Kreegan in dead space and were referred to the aptly named Darth Nebulous. We evidently had an enemy in common. Nebulous was a stylish man of wealth and taste. Or so I was told. He had a problem. It seemed he had an errant apprentice; none other than our own baron. For reasons of Sith honor and posturing, the fact that he was not only errant but rogue as well, he needed him dealt with. Darth Nebulous offered an exchange of information, and a few other perks to aid us in our quest of eliminating the erstwhile Darth. We traded notes and got a bit of a personality profile of Malevius. It all seemed pretty consistent with our impressions we'd already built up. His back story was a bit interesting, and definitely explained why somebody of his ambition and evident skill was still a backwater power. He desperately wanted validation from the Sith hierarchy, and becoming the preeminent military power within the empire was sure to allow for that. Robert was also of great interest to Nebulous. We promised that Robert would be returned to his family after we used him to trap the Baron. Our plan depends on using Robert to pilot a Rataka ship to the rendezvous point and wait for the baron. From the psych profile, we know the baron will come personally. Having lost the beacon, this is really his only chance to get his hands on the technology he so desperately craves. Further, from what we know that he knows, he'll have to bring a couple apprentices, or at the very least, dark side adepts. This was most likely why he tried to recruit me during our first meeting; call me Coppertop. Anyway, the basic gist of our plan is to get the ship, mount the Tempest's cannons in the hangar to setup a killzone, and open fire to disable his ship. The baron is a skilled personal combatant, so this will clearly be a hard fight, and we know that he'll have help. Audacity! Always audacity. He'll clearly suspect a trap, which is why we'll succeed!