====== Savn Kralan ====== [ [[starwars:start|Campaign]] ] [ [[starwars:protagonists:savn:index|Introduction]] ] [ [[backstory|Backstory]] ] [ **Character Sheet** ] [ [[chronicles|Chronicles]] ] \\ ---- \\ ===== Fundamentals ===== * **[[starwars:callings:index|Calling]]:** Disgruntled Force User * **[[starwars:natures:index|Nature]]:** [[starwars:natures:index#Courage]], [[starwars:natures:index#Unorthodox]] * **[[starwars:factions:index|Faction]]:** [[starwars:factions:index#the_free_cartel|Cartel]] * **[[starwars:backgrounds:index|Background]]**: [[starwars:backgrounds:index#Jedi|Disgruntled Jedi]] * **[[starwars:species:index|Species]]:** [[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Miraluka|Miraluka]] * **[[starwars:mechanics#wealth|Wealth]]:** 2 * **[[starwars:mechanics#legend|Legend]]:** 4 * **[[starwars:force:index#darkside|Darkside]]:** 0 * Experience: 68 spent of 90 * Legend Points: 12/16 ===== Traits ===== ^Name^Value^Action^ | Enhanced Attribute: Dex | 2 | N/A | ===== Attributes & Skills ===== |__[[starwars:mechanics#physical|Physical]]__|||||| ^__STRENGTH__| **2**,0 ^__DEXTERITY__| **5**,2 ^__STAMINA__| **2**,0 | ^ Athletics | 4 ^ Brawl | 0 ^ Fortitude | 4 | | |^ Control: Beast | 0 | || | |^ Control: Ground Craft | 0 | || | |^ Control: Flying Craft | 0 | || | |^ Marksmanship | 0 | || | |^ Melee | 5 | || | |^ Stealth | 4 | || | |^ Theft | 2 | || | |^ Thrown | 0 | || |__[[starwars:mechanics#mental|Mental]]__|||||| ^__CHARISMA__| **3**,0 ^__MANIPULATION__| **4**,0 ^__WILLPOWER__| **3**,0 | ^ Animal Ken | 2 ^ Politics | 0 ^ Integrity | 4 | ^ Art: | 0 ^ Persuasion | 3 | || ^ Art: | 0 | || || ^ Art: | 0 | || || ^ Command | 0 | || || ^ Presence | 2 | || || |__[[starwars:mechanics#social|Social]]__|||||| ^__PERCEPTION__| **4**,2 ^__INTELLIGENCE__| **2**,0 ^__WITS__| **3**,0 | ^ Awareness | 4 ^ Academics: | 0 ^ Empathy | 2 | ^ Investigation | 2 ^ Academics: | 0 ^ Engineering: | 0 | | |^ Academics: | 0 ^ Engineering: | 0 | | |^ Medicine | 2 ^ Engineering: | 0 | ===== Combat ===== ==== General ==== ^ Derived Statistic ^ Calculation ^ Value ^ ^ Join Battle | //3+3// | 6,0 ^ ^ Move | //7// | 5+2 ^ ^ Dash | //7+6// | 13+0 ^ ^ Vertical Jump | //(2+4)/2// | 3+0 ^ ^ Horizontal Leap | //2*(2+4)// | 12+0 ^ ==== Defenses ==== ^ Name ^ Calculation ^ Value ^ ^ Physical DV | //((5+4/2)+2)// | 7+0/11+0( at cost of 1 ) ^ ^ Mental DV | //(3+3/2)// | 3+0 ^ ^ Soak | //(2+3)/2// | 3+0 ^ ^ Armor | //3/3/0// | B:6, L:6, A:3 ^ ==== Attacks ==== ^ Name ^ Range ^ Accuracy ^ Damage ^ Speed ^ ^ Unarmed, Light | melee | 6,0 | 2,0B | 4 ^ ^ Unarmed, Heavy | melee | 4,0 | 2,0B | 5 ^ ^ Unarmed, Clinch| melee | 5,0 | 0,0B | 6 ^ ^ Lightsaber | melee | 10,2 | 4,2A | 4 ^ ===== Special Abilities ===== ==== Species ==== * [[starwars:force:index#Force Sight|Force Sight]] -- Negate penalties for your lack of vision. Cost: 1/round, Speed: 0 ==== Force ==== * [[starwars:force:index#Mind Trick|Mind Trick]] -- Manip + Integrity(8) vs mDV --> Target accepts one simple statement as unquestionable truth until someone else successfully reasons them out of that belief * [[starwars:force:index#Force Grab|Force Grab]] -- Wits + Force(7) vs DV --> Target is remotely manipulated and/or can be moved through the air at (Legend) speed. Cost: (Weight/200 pounds, round down), Speed: 5 * [[starwars:force:index#Sense Force|Sense Force]] -- Perception + Force(8 + 2) skill to sense the presence of other Force users/artifacts within (Legend) miles, as well as their Legend ratings and if they are Dark or Light. If a target has Dark Side points, add those to the Difficulty. Cost: 1/turn, Speed: 5 * [[starwars:force:index#Evasion|Evasion]] -- Evasion: Add (Legend) to your Dodge and Parry DVs. Cost: 1/round, Speed: 0 * [[starwars:force:index#Force Blank|Force Blank]] -- Perceivers must subtract users legend score to see via visions * [[starwars:force:index#Dissipate Energy|Dissipate Energy]] -- Add (Legend) to soak against incoming energy attack. Cost: 1/round, Speed: 0 ===== Status ===== ^ Resource ^ Calculation ^ Maximum ^ Depleted ^ ^ Legend Points | //(1*1)// | 1 | 0 ^ ^ Health | 10 | 10 | X ^ ^ Recovery | //(2+3)/2 per hour(B)/day(L)/month(A)// | X | X ^ ===== Quotes ===== * Hard to see the dark side is * Utinni! * What's that flashing?!? * A wretched hive of scum and villany * Not this ship sister * I've got a bad feeling about this * They're not bigger than 2 meters * May the force be with you * bonus: You've turned off your targeting computer. what's wrong? * I can't believe we got past those guards * If you only knew the power of the dark side * No disintegrations * He's more machine now than man * You can't win Darth * I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain. ===== People of Interest ===== * Krscheakkrrrrrrr -- purple glowy * Voltaris -- Zabrak Mentor * Zrak -- Human supplicant of Revan