====== Entry 09: Captain Erin Yeh, At Your Service ====== [ [[starwars:protagonists:tara:reports:entry08|Previous]] ] [ [[starwars:protagonists:tara:reports:index|Back]] ] [ [[starwars:protagonists:tara:reports:entry10|Next]] ] Once we had acquired full membership in the Cult of Revan, the three of us left Dromand Kaas and headed back out into the galaxy. I spent a few months doing research on jobs until I finally came across something that looked promising for our overarching goals. Well, my goal. I have no idea what Savn's and Turret's life goals are exactly, but they have seemed willing to go along so far. We ended up on a backwater moon in neutral space to meet the contact for the job. The place was a dump. Anyway, the contact's name was Zrak... the same Zrak that graduated Revan school at the same time we did. The job was that he wanted plans that the empire had for a revolutionary hyperdrive technology. Taken from the empire or at the very least, all traces of it destroyed. Savn probed him for his alliegences and the ultimate purpose of this task. He wouldn't say directly, but he seems to be aligned with the Republic. Oh well, don't really care. Well, we accepted the job. It was located on Balmorra, in the central planets sector. A war torn planet that was supposedly pacified by the Empire. Sounds like fun. Zrak suggested that we obtain a stealth device for the Tempest. So on our way there, we made a quick stop-off and picked up a rank 4 Stealth device. Pretty sweet upgrade. As we flew into Balmorra's area of influence, we noticed an Imperial blockade and a Republic blockade. We would have to decide which one we would tackle. After discussing it for a few minutes, we decided it would be most beneficial to our task to approach from the Imperial side. I quickly hacked up a set of fake credentials: Ship "Zephir", Captain "Erin Yeh". Turret trotted out another pre-crafted identity of which he seemed to have multitude. Savn was just Savn, as usual. We were cleared for landing, dropped in and filled out a ton of paperwork. Was as bad as going to the space-doctor, sheesh. Good thing I had my autofill routine on my tri-quarter. Told 'em we'd be here for a month. Anyway, we were approved for a job, and were filled in on it by a Captain Somethingorother. Our task was to take down a certain republic outpost, no survivors. If we got it done before the month was out, then we could return for further tasks. Oh and by the way, he told us, they had installed a tracking device on the ship to keep track of our movements. Once we returned to the ship, I immediately set about slicing the tracking device. Instead of sending our actual coordinates, I coded up a fake routine for it to broadcast back to the Imperials to make it look like we were working on the task they set for us, when instead we'd be working on Zrak's job. We headed out near the location we needed to be and waited for a patrol. I faked distress in the middle of the road, getting them to stop. From there we had a fire fight, wherein they died and we didn't. We nabbed their clothes and speeders, Savn ran interference on the com, and we headed off to the outpost they originated from. Savn had a dead guy on the back of his speeder to make it look more realistic. We got there and checked in, dropped the body off and said we'd head to medical. Instead we went to the speeder pool and located a speeder of a size and appropriateness to convey an emissary. Turret beat up a nosy mechanic while we hijacked the thing and drove it out. Guards watched us unconcerned as we toodled out with it. I immediately hacked into the land ship's systems disabled their remote shutdown routine. And then I set on monitoring radio traffic for orders to intercept us. Meanwhile we headed to another outpost to get Savn some appropriate clothes to play the part of a Sith Lord coming to interfere in the operations of the super top secret hyperdrive testing facility. Because, if it's one thing that Sith do best, it is interfering in the Imperials' work that doesn't concern them. Meanwhile, in the very back of my mind, I had a growing fear that this operation is already being overseen by a Sith Lord. Specifically one named [[starwars:actors:index|Darth Malevius]], given his interest in those ancient ships with the weird hyperdrive tech. Perhaps Savn should pose as him... just in case. How likely could it be? -------------------- Loot to spend (xLy == x level y cost items): * 1L4 (personal)