With the undead slowly starting to fade away and no longer hostile, we thoroughly search keep. We find a bunch of treasure and some fancy weapons and armor. Human guy got fancy looking knife, devil girl got suit of magical chain mail, and me took cool warhammer.

On our way out of keep, we see a bunch of orcs and hobgoblins charging towards us through front gate. Skeleton archers on the walls started pelting them with arrows, slowing some of them down, and elf guy called down light from sky to burn the front wave. They being lead by hobgoblin, even orcs in group follow him, so something weird with group. Me, human guy, and devil girl charge to meet them, but hobgoblins hit harder than we think they could, so we forced to pull back. Luckily, zombie and skeleton warriors help us fight and split up enemy forces.

We back up to keep door, and leader foolishly lead charge against us. Elf guy focus beam on him, but he cocky and arrogant and instead of retreating he go right in between me, human and devil girl!! I scream at his foolishness, saying he as good as dead. So, devil girl shock him and back away, human guy stick him with blade and kick him, then me obliterate his head with my hammer. Ha, stupid hobgoblin!

A couple of ogres came lumbering into keep and charge at us, so me switch to sword since I can hit harder with it. We bust them up too. After first wave destroyed, the second wave softened up by arrows attack. Me switch back to hammer and we meet second wave and kill them all.

After they all dead, we search their corpses and find note saying that we were going to be in keep and offering big reward to kill us. So, there must be traitor in city who is telling bad guys about us.