We confront Marten. He fade into darkness- room darker than normal, magic folks say it because of magical runes on the pillars. It tough fight, especially with Marten's men on the upper balconies trying to pepper us with arrows and spells. We fall back to defensive position in back corner so the archers and mages had to jump down to get to us. Eventually we kill them all, no mercy or prisoners this time.

We loot building and find Marten's notes on “blackmail” material:

ulric averhard
fact: old, hard headed
strong rumor: unfaithful to wife, wife knows, doesn't know wife knows
rumor: hates monsters, will kill all before surrendering
vague rumor: paid by lord of ruins for info
rumor: opposes kadorn as young upstart who doesn't respect elders

werner von ursling
fact: retired merc captain turned business
strong rumor: mostly concerned with military aspect of conquest of Phlan
rumor: served in merc unit hired by lord of ruins
rumor: hates zhentarim
rumor: strong contact with other mercs
vague rumor: unit wiped out by enemy mages, only survivor, grudge against mages

bishop ratio:
fact: highest ranking religious member in phlan
vague rumor: frontman for powerful high priest who never leaves temple
strong rumor: pressure to do something about undead
rumor: opposed to temple's policy to sell miracles and items. rather do it in exchange for good work

fact: last know surviving member of house kadorna (known for textiles)
strong rumor: rising star in city politics
rumor: no known mate
rumor: vindictive, remembers when he is double crossed
fact: contacted welcomers for info on pool of radiance
fact: hired a number of mercs through welcomers (he did not know)
vague rumor: using mercs to find pool of radiance

the boss:
strong rumor: human, or something takes form of human
vague rumor: dragon? skeptical because metallic dragon
fact: holds audience of vallejo castle, guarded by big stupid monsters with occasional small human leaders rumor: doesn't spend full time in VC
fact: magical maze in castle wall, properties unknown. passwords are needed to get past castle gates, change regularly
rumor: has been sending messages to monsters in wilderness to recruit as new units
vague rumor: recruiting in prep to retake civilized section of Phlan