Session 41: Coasting On Fumes

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We sorted through the items from the cache quickly as we approached the side of the building toward the enemies. We did some healing up as we prepared to face them.

We engaged them and I dispelled some of the Hallows affecting the area we were fighting in so that the boys could get down to it unhindered. From there, it was a resource management game. I didn't have much left.

Some banishments got thrown out by the high priests. That was rather inconvenient. I knew to get them back, I had to put a lot of damage on the priests, or kill them outright. I dispelled the protection spell from Mace, and started pounding the priests. As soon as they went down, Logru and Kethys reappeared. Once Logru was back, he started putting some hurt on them. With some dogged effort, we finished off the priests and the bodyguards, with just Mace and his anti-paladin left.

Mace called down the favor of his god, and something happened….. but we weren't sure what. In a lengthy pause, Thilius did something similar… not sure what. Mace looked rather irritated by this, but was pretty drained by this point. He blustered and loud-mouthed about Bane some more and went down in a flurry of blows. The anti-paladin proved still tough to defeat, but he was outnumbered and out gunned at this point. He eventually fell too.

We secured the temple such that we could, and headed over to Bane's apartment. We searched through his things, got some loot, and found a journal where he mused about the lord of the ruins.