Session 43: Ambushes and Traps for Days

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The rest of the enemies retreated, and we couldn't really stop them, given how far we were behind them, plus one level down from them. They were fast and silent, and once they'd cleared out, we couldn't really continue the fight. We'd have to delve deeper into the mansion cautiously as we had been before, while being prepared for another ambush.

And there was one, of course. A larger room this time, PLUS spell casters. These rogues are getting annoying. I should've stocked my spell scrolls better than this. Fireball is not the thing to be using on these guys. Oh well.

Instead of the super obliterate, we tried to manage the logistics of the battle field. Kethys and I dropped persistent AoEs on them to hamper their movement and vision, while we cornered people and whittled them away.

All the rogues and archers were eventually overcome by the party, and many surrendered rather than be killed.

We had Ashe watch the captives while our party rested and recovered from the arduous battle.

Unfortunately, we found that the captives had been released, and the BBEG made an aural appearance to mock us, calling us Tools. He didn't seem to like the Council much, and seemed to know QUITE A BIT about the inner politics of that body of people. I would be interesting to find out what he knew.