Table of Contents




Many of the wizards and sorcerers did not survive the hammer blows of the Sundering. Those that did saw their laboratories and libraries consumed by flames of a mistrustful, hungry or fearful populace. The formalized study of magic was set back. Isolated from other sources of knowledge, it entered a steep decline. Within the past decades a revival has begun. Fueled by wondrous items, scrolls and spell books recovered from the ashes and ruins, arcanists once again have begun to pursue their studies. Schools have begun opening. Though the current state is paltry compared to the pre-sundering level, progress is being made.


The mass die-off of the Sundering wrecked havoc on the enchanted blood that flows through a sorcerer's veins. After the plagues had subsided, many were scapegoated. Superstition and fear drove them to the edges of 'civilizaton.' Their progeny grew few as their blood thinned. Eventually, small communities began to coalesce, driving a steady but extremely slow return of their type. The current renaissance of learning has made it trendy for the well off and sophisticated to be seen in their company. The common people may still harbor some mistrust towards them, but attitudes seem to be shifting.


Naughty, naughty warlocks. Everyone built bridges out of them.


No one likes these guys anyway so they were already “kill on sight.”


Clerics and Paladins

The clergy and their martial allies were wiped out in the Sundering. Their unfortunate lot was to either be claimed by the plagues or subsequent starvation directly, or be burnt by a grief-maddened populace desperate to stop the dying. The dying did eventually stop, but by then, the temples were empty of people. Local nature religions filtered in from the Greenwood to fill some of the void, and in aggregate is still the majority faith. However, temples to forgotten gods are once again opening their doors as religious texts are recovered, and more importantly, understood.


Unable to stop the dying, the druids retreated to the edge of the Greenwood or the Sea of Grass. Where possible, they improved life on the periphery once the waves of plague passed, rollin' like ballers with T-Rex familiars. As such, they became beloved to the rural populace, establishing the nature themed religions that dominate today. As civilization becomes more sophisticated, however, their influence has begun to wane, being replaced by the re-emerging clergy.