Name: Peleps Dogshit
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11“
Weight: 160 lbs
Age: Unknown
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Exaltation: Terrestrial Abyssal Terrestrial
Aspect: Water Blood Water
Essence: 3
Breeding: Unknown

Occupation: Former Sailer in the Imperial Navy, Current Uknown
Specializations: Peeling potatoes, getting in trouble

Dogshit was assigned by the Sanguine Empresses forces to receive kidnapped Solars in Nexus, which were to then be sent down the river to Jades. He managed to fall for a very lame ploy orchestrated by Aki and Hani, and was captured taken back to Yu Shan for interrogation.

Dogshit was the unfortunate recipient of the first trial at restoring an Abyssal-Dragon-Blood to a normal Dragon-Blood. The heroes watched as he thrashed around violently and painfully for several minutes and then finally fell unconscious. Linaria had some trepidation about returning to her normal state following this display.

His current occupation is unknown, although he does remain in the Imperial City.